39. Whenever Someone Randomly Appears From Spain, They're In Love.

Start from the beginning

We drive in silence after that, Em focused on the road, Carlos focused on his Nintendo switch, and I was focused on my phone.

Charlotte had been blowing up my phone since last night, yelling at me through voice notes to come over to watch Harry Potter with her.

I told her I wouldn't, because she had probably already made Milo watch it with her. And trust me, Milo does not like movies like that.

I remember the first time I had forced him to watch a movie with me, and it had been the hunger games.

He didn't understand a thing.

He kept on blabbing about the fact that Peeta got brutally beaten by his mom just for giving Katniss some ordinary ass bread, and also the fact that out of all the other people's names in that humongous pool, somehow, the odds made Primrose get chosen.

Then he fell asleep after that.

When I got to school, there were groups of people swarming the hallways, most of them were girls, gossiping, but the few amount of guys looked like they were..also gossiping?

Don't tell me another hot, I mean annoying waiter had decided to show up at our school because his mom was an interior designer.


I was squeezing my way through the sweaty guys who had just rushed out from the basketball court, and what I saw in the middle of them made me stop in my non-croc tracks.

Milo was in the middle of them, and some of the guys and him were carrying a lanky guy with chin length red hair and freckles scattered across his face like sand scattered across the beach, and he was also wearing Ray-Bans with the most obnoxious outfit ever.

Cameron Beyonce Luis.

I know Cameron may be a weird name for a boy, but his parents were kinda crackpots when they were younger. And they probably still are.

The guys let him down and he smirks, looking like some kind of freak of nature with his clothes.

He was wearing some kind of Mexican get up, even though he told me he had been in Spain.


"SAPPHIRE! GET OVER HERE YOU DUMB BITCH!" He hollered from the middle of the hallway, and smothered me in a bone crushing hug.

"Beyonce bro!" I yell, smothering his hair with my free hand, while he crushes my body and my other hand.

"You've got to catch me up on everything! I must've missed a shitload of-"

"GET TO CLASS!" A teacher suddenly yells, and everyone scatters. Cam had History, and I had English, so we separated and I headed to my class.

He would go bazonkers when he found out about Milo and Char.

And I had this feeling that he would like Trevor for some reason.

Trevor's kinda like him, except way calmer.

I enter my English class, not completely sleep derived for once, and ait through a 40 minute lecture on nouns and pronouns.

Why do we even need to learn English? We already fucking speak it everyday!

I went to Geography, then Physics, then I met Cam teasing Milo at the cafeteria during lunch time, and Charlotte was just sitting opposite them, blushing heavily and chuckling somewhat awkwardly.

I think Cam had already found out about the two of them before I got the chance to narrate it quite inaccurately to him. Fuck.

"Don't even act like you weren't just staring at her titties, you twink." Cam says, and Char blushes even harder, Milo gkaring at him.

"You don't even fucking know dude. Happens every single day!" I say, and me and Cam burst into laughter while the two of them just stare at the floor awkwardly, their faces as red as tomatoes.

Don't even ask me how I knew, since Milo was a bit dark skin, but I could feel his cheeks heating up from where I was.


"So, what's been going on, mi vidas?"

"Doesn't vuda mean life?"

"Shut the fuck up."

"Just because you've been to Spain doesn't mean that you can speak fluent Spanish dumbass."

We all say at the same time, and I'll leave you to guess which one of us was which.

"Jesus. You people are so fucking mean." Cam says, holding his chest, as he pretends to faint in the most dramatic way possible.

"We're not mean, you're just completely and utterly inaccurate. You're wearing Mexican clothing, and I thought you said you were coming from Spai-!"

"OKAY, little miss know it all." Cam suddenly says, interrupting Charlotte quite violently, making Milo give him a murderous glare. "Don't even make me fucking mad right now, cause you three didn't even tell me about whatever the hell this is!" He says, pointing between the two of them.

I hadn't even realized I'd been so caught up in Neon and Trevor, that I barely knew a thing about Milo and Charlotte's relationship.

All I knew was that Char had probably made him watch the worst movies if all time, and they're parents had stopped their meetings or whatever, so they were doing this on purpose now.

Those two complete idiots.

"Well, you haven't even heard of Sapphire and that waiter guy." Char blurts out, and Cam's eyes practically bulge out of his eye sockets.

"So, you all betrayed me, huh?"

"Don't act like you told them about Danny." Milo mumbles, shoving a spoonful of food into his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up!" Cam whines, looking away.

"Beyonce hath lied!"

"Beyonce hath lied!"

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Author's note

Sorry I haven't been uploading as usual these days omg😭
I've been falling asleep everyday after school for some reason, and it's been affecting me writing skills.

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