9. Never Forget Your Beloved Assassins.

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Rich people.

She didn't even have the decency to be early.

I'd been sitting at this damn cafe for the past forty-five minutes. It was well after nine.

Where was she?

I had convinced my boss to let Davon take the shift for me, and she couldn't even be on time.

I sighed.

I should start going home soon.

I checked my phone again, then put my hand in my pocket.

I still had that paper that she wrote her number on the day that we first met.

At first, I was flattered, but not enough that I would actually put her number in my phone.

But it was tempting me.

Should I call her? What if she had something going on and didn't tell me? Is that why she's late?

Another 15 minutes went by, and I was getting ready to stand up and leave, when I finally saw her across the street.

I wanted to smile, because at least she wasn't brutally murdered, but I frowned deeper. I didn't want her to think I was actually happy to see her.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up, huh?" I ask, standing up.

As she got closer, I noticed that she was limping. And clutching her thigh.

I stare at her in shock.

"Ar-are you okay?" I ask, as she gets to the table.

"I-im fine." She says, managing to sit down, and I almost gagged when she took off her hand from her thigh.

There was a pocket knife sticking out of a gash on her right thigh.

"O-oh, oh fuck. You were stabbed? Where is the guy?"

She tries to catch her breath, not looking at the wound." I-i punched him. Put up a pretty good fight if I say so myself." She says, trying to lighten the mood.

I gazed at her in concern, and profound respect. She had fought off some grown man, and walked all the way here by herself.

"I kicked him in the groin, and then- and then he did this." She says, pointing to the wound and wincing.

I fumbled with the phone in my hand, and called 911.

"Can you just, can you just hold on? Please." I say, as she looks like she's getting a little light-headed.

"I don't know..I haven't slept in a while. I might just.." She says, her voice quieter than her normal booming voice.

Her eyes closed for a minute, and her long eyelashes splayed over her cheeks. She opened those her icy blue eyes again, but I could tell she was loosing consciousness.


"Hello? Hello?" I shout into the phone.

"Um, my-my friend. She got stabbed. Yes, she's still conscious." I say, putting my fingers on her neck. Her pulse was getting fainter.

I ended the call and willed her to stay conscious for a little while longer.

Why do I always have to be so difficult? I should have just sucked it up and called her.

Someone really was out to get her. What if I wasn't here, and the guy followed her and-

No. I can't think like that. She'll be fine.

An ambulance gets here and they put her in a stretcher.

I use her thumbprint to unlock her phone, and call her sister.

I had to guess what her name was, but I just called the first name on her contact list, and luckily, it was her.

The ambulance drove off, and I slumped in my seat.

What if I called her?

I would have known what was happening, and I would have gone to help her.

This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't just been such a self entitled prick.

I gather my bearings, and stand up, heading home.

She irritates me. A lot. But I hope she's okay.

Once I get home, I put her number in my phone.

I text her a quick, I hope you're okay, and shower.

Davon called, and I told him everything that happened.

I told him how that girl who came over to our restaurant the other day got stabbed.

He said that it was a shame, because she was really pretty.

I couldn't disagree with him.

I ended the call, but I had this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Should I have gone with her to the hospital?

No, I'm barely even her friend. I just said that to the lady on the phone so that they would hurry up and not ask too many questions.

I sighed, lying on my bed.

I just did whatever a random person would do right?

I stayed up for a while, thinking about earlier, and I sigh again.

When she asked me to teach her calculus, I was surprised. I thought she was one of those people that didn't care about their studies or anything.

I thought she was just failing on purpose.

I put my pillow over my head and force myself to fall asleep.

A last thought ran through my head before I dozed off.

She really was pretty.

Author's note
This is the first time I'm writing in his POV😭, I hope it's good. Thanks for the votes so far. Enjoy❤️


#9. What do you call a woman who throws her bills into the fire?


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