14. It's Perfectly Normal To Be A Bitch And A Swiftie Simultaneously.

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The past few days have been less stressful than usual.

I didn't have to worry about getting killed anymore, because I stopped seeing any signs or signals that I was still being watched and probably hunted, so I guess I'll be fine.

If they did kill me though, I'd bet it was to cut off my feet and sell them online.


I stood up from my bed after another sleepless night, showered, and put on my clothes.

Em had driven us to school, and it was a really sunny day.

I had put down my sun visor, or sunshield as I usually called it, but I could still feel the heat even with the air conditioning.

The sun was sunning too hard today.

It reminded me of a time when my family and I had gone on a vacation, when my dad was still around, and we had gone to Alaska for some reason.

We were staying in a hotel, and I had gone out to get a soda fron the vending machine.

While I was walking back to our room, there was this cute, chocolate skinned, lanky boy hiding behind one of the other vending machines.

I was about 9 then, and he looked around 10.

He looked really shy, and when I looked at him, he looked away. I waved at him with the biggest smile I could muster, and he blushed.

"Does it sun wherever you stay in? Because I'm really cold." He says, and I chuckle.

I tell him to wait there, and I rush to our room to get him one of my spare jackets.

He smiles at me, hugged me, and ran off to his parents' hotel room.

A month later, when we were back in Brooklyn, I saw the sams boy in my elementary class, and the teacher said they had just moved from Minnesota.

Which was almost as cold as Alaska.

He smiled at me from in front of the class, and I smiled back.

That was how I met Milo.

I was snapped out of my flashback when I heard the distant sound of heels clicking towards my direction.

I wanted to shoot myself. For real this time.

"Well, look who's found herself a new boyfriend, hmm?" A feathery voice sneers behind my back.

I sigh.

The real she beast had decided to show her face.

This was Rachel Smith. That really obnoxious daughter I didn't want to talk about before. She had straight blonde hair, reaching just below her shoulders, and she had blue eyes like mine. Well not like mine, because I wasn't an obnoxious brat. I was just a normal brat.

I think I was gonna puke now.

"And what the hell are you complaining about this time, Rachel?"

"Oh, don't pretend-" She says, snickering evilly while talking.

"- I never said I was pretending, but carry on."

"-that you haven't found a new guy after Hugo dumped you."

"I haven't found a new guy, and you can have Hugo now if you want, y'know. I'm not stopping you."

"Oh puh-lease. I've seen you fawning around that waiter boy for weeks now. Don't think you can get all the boys." She smirks.

I stare at her, unamused.

"Rachel," I say, stepping closer to her. "I have no idea how you know Trevor, and I also have no idea how you even know where the restaurant is, since you don't even live near me. But listen, you can do whatever you want. You could flirt with him, or fuck him, or even marry him for all I care. If you're jealous, then just say so." I say, shrugging.

"Don't try to change the subject, bitch."

"And don't make your gossip topic for this week about me, whore. You've had so many different boyfriends that I should start calling you Taylor swift."

She looked like she had something to say, but she just scowls and sashays away.

I turn around and come face to face with Milo.

His eyebrows were furrowed, and he was staring at me kinda funny.

"Was she giving you a hard time?"

"Of course. It's her." I say, walking past him and he follows, catching up with me.

"Listen, I'm sorry for that shit I said, or was gonna say last night, I was just-"

"Don't bring it up, please." I say, biting my tongue." Anyway, how's you and Charlie?"

"She's, well, different." He says, scratching his neck.

I smirk and shove him playfully.

"Different like how, hmm?"

"She's..really stubborn, and her accent is really irritating, and she's horrible at basketball -"

"You like her, don't you?"

" No." He says, his voice louder than usual.

"Don't deny it, you old fart. I've seen your eyes whenever you talk to her at school.."

"It must be the insomnia." He mumbles, and I punch his elbow. "Ow."

"Don't fuck with her, Milo. I'm serious. We may be friends, but if you break her heart, I swear to fu-" I say, grabbing his collar. Even though he was way taller than me though.

"I won't, okay? That's because I don't like her. We're not even friends. I've just been pretending to be her friend for the past few weeks just so our parents would be happy. That's it. She actually a bitch to be honest."

After he says this, I hear quick footsteps backing away from the both of us, and I saw Charlotte walking away from us as fast as she could.

She had been listening the entire time.

"Well, you still found a way to fuck it up, didn't you?" I yell, smacking him on the side of his head. "Go fix this." I say, and he walks towards the direction she had just ran off to.

I sigh, and head to my geography class.

I was late again.

Hopefully, I would get sent to detention and die of boredom somewhere other than class.

Author's note
14th chapter out! Hope you guys enjoy this one. Don't forget to vote <3


#14. What do you call the security guards who work for Samsung?

The Guardians of the Galaxy.

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