15. If You Have ADHD, Then Zeus Is Probably Your Dad.

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I had woken up this morning feeling incredibly horrific.

Like, worse than my usual dose of horrific.

I hadn't slept in days. My insomnia was getting fucking unbearable.

I had decided that today, I would go check out whatever that ADAD stuff was.

Or was it ADD?


That couldn't be it. My dad was barely even around. He couldn't be what was making me lose valuable nights of sleep.

It was around 7am when I stood up from my bed, walked to the window, and stared out of it for a while.

The sun was just rising, and it already felt like my I was staring straight at that obnoxiously bright LED signboard for Neon.

I may not know much, but I know staring into fire wasn't good for a raging headache.

I yawned, closed my window, and locked myself in the shower.

I didn't think I could even go to school today. My eyes hurt, and I could barely even think straight with the pounding in my head.

I needed to go see a doctor.

I needed some Xanax.

What even is Xanax?

I needed a satyr to appear while I fought a minotaur disguised as a frustrating waiter in Central park, and then he would take me to Camp Half Blood where I would defeat Kronos singlehandedly.

But with my luck, I'm sure I would end up as one of Zeus's billions of children.

No, but for real though, how did Hera manage that cheetah? No wonder she was so damn grumpy all the time.

I got out of the shower, put on some random sweater I found, and
collapsed in my bed again.

Em came up to my room after about 10 minutes, yelling about time this, and time that, and how she was gonna stop driving me to school if I kept this up and- blah blah blah.

"I'm sick!" I groan loudly.

"Well, why didn't you say so before?!"

"Because I am just now figuring out that I'm sick, dumbass!"

"You're the dumbass!" She yells back, and she storms downstairs.

I hear her slam the door downstairs, and I sigh.

My mom had probably left for work, and I had no idea if Ricky was around.

I needed to go to the hospital though. And my car had been wrecked since I crashed it into a tree that one time.

It was just plain luck that I didn't die.

I considered calling Milo to drop me off, but I decided against it.

I had called the idiot last night and made sure he apologized to Charlotte.

He was my best friend, but he was a dick. A big one in fact.

And the main problem was that he couldn't keep that dick in his sweatpants, and he would end up breaking the heart of all the girls that thought they could 'change him.'

If that wasn't the most naive thing I had heard in all my life, then I don't know what was.

I eventually decided I wouldn't go to the hospital today, I'd just go tomorrow, since tomorrow was Saturday, and Em would most likely be around.

I decided to go to Neon early today, well, my early was 4pm, cause I wasn't supposed to be there until like 6, but I still went anyway.

I walked to the restaurant, and surprisingly, there were a lot more people than before.

So his dumb plan was actually working.

I walked to the counter, ordered a large smoothie and normal fries, and sat down in a booth by the window.

I put on my earphones, and listened to music while I ate and stared outside.

A couple more people trickled in from time to time, and the place felt less empty than it ever did.

I had satvat the booth for about an hour, when Trevor came in for his shift.

I smirked at him as he walked in, and he rolled his eyes, acting like he wass ignoring me.

I sit there for a little while longer, and most people had left by then. I was standing up to go to the counter, but one last customer walked in at around 6:15.

Oh God no.

When I saw his face, I immediately panicked.

I ran behind the counter and crouched there, until Trevor and Davon walked out of the kitchen.

His usual frown deepened when he saw me.

"What the fuck are you doing-?"

"Shhh!" I say, putting my finger over my lips. My heart is thumping, and I pray he doesn't notice me.

"Okay.." He says quietly, and then he takes the guy's order and gives it to Davon.

"Is he gone?"

"Yeah. He's just sitting at one of those chairs at the corner," he says, pointing subtly towards him." Do you mind getting out from my counter now?"

"Can you just shut up and cover for me?"

He stares at me with an annoyed look, then his eyes soften a bit.

"Is he your - did he do something?" He asks, tilting his head.

"Sort of, I just- really don't want to talk to him right no-"

"Excuse me, is my order ready?", a voice called from in front of the counter.

He was there. He was right there.

"I really need to get somewhere-" The guy says, but interrupts himself with a pause as he looks behind the counter.

Trevor moved to the right so that it would be almost impossible to see me, but it was too late.


Author's note
Who is this guy🤷, he seems like a bad person, doesn't he? Keep reading to find out <3
Don't forget to vote!


#15.What do you call the lesbian version of a cock block?

A beaver dam.

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