17. Stalkers Are Real, And They're Always Hiding At Carnivals.

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It had been two long days since I had agreed to meet Hugo at Neon next week.

Here's a quick recap of what's happened since then.

Me and Ricky went shopping, and we found his girlfriend kissing another dude.

I punched her in the nose (oops), then we drove home and he's been in his room ever since.

The poor guy.

Also, positions for the basketball team had opened up, and Milo had promised he would give Carlos a chance, even though he was a freshman.

By some kind of miracle, or bribery, either one, he got in. And two days later, we were going out to celebrate.

At a carnival.

I couldn't even remember the last time we had gone out as a family to eat dinner, let alone to a carnival.q

It was Saturday, and we had all dressed up and filed into Em's car.

Ricky didn't come along, I guess he was still kinda hung up on that girl. The way he was describing her to me made me think she was the most perfect girl in the world.

That's why it's better to be imperfect and be loyal, than too be perfect and be a complete bitch.

Em drove me and Carlos, and he seemed pretty excited just to go to some carnival.

"You okay, bro?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm very fine. Splendid, if I say so myself." He said, putting on an old timey accent.

"It's a girl, isn't it?"

"Shut up." He mutters, and I see his cheeks turn red.

Face cheeks, that is.

The carnival was huge. It was around 7 pm, and there were these lights that illuminated everywhere. It looked so mesmerizing.

Neon, take notes.

Apparently, a bunch of other families had the same idea as us, and the place was almost filled to the brim with people.

People. Bleh.

Carlos had already made his way inside, and he seemed like he was looking for someone.

I knew it was a girl.

Me and Em had walked around for a while, but she said that a friend texted her that they were there, and she left me.

I walked around the rides for a while. The lines were uncomfortably long, and some people had started selling their spots, just so they could get a smoothie or cotton candy for their kids.

In my opinion, kids were cute. I liked kids. But I could never have one.

I would quite literally die if I found out I was pregnant one random morning.

Even if I did end up getting pregnant from some random guy, it'd better be Henry Cavill.

It'd better be him.

Feeling tired, I went to one of the booths and bought myself a smoothie and some cotton candy.

What? I wouldn't be a full adult till September, calm your balls.

I sat at the booth for a while, then I payed, and started walking around again.

The whole place seemed to shimmer of red and blue, and it made my eyes hurt.

The crowd of people seemed to have gotten bigger, and before I could even react, I had bumped into someone, and spilled my drink all over them.

"Oh my days-I'm so sor-" I begin to say, but the person turns around and- you would never believe who it was.

It was fucking Harry Styles!

I'm kidding, it was just plain old irritable, and not bald Trevor.

He had gotten some paper towels and was drying off my smoothie.

"I'm actually calling the police."

"If anything, I should be the one calling the police. You fucking assaulted me!"

"That was an accident, you know that. And even if it was intentional, it doesn't compare to literally stalking someone for days.."

"And how are you not the one stalking me? You show up at my restaurant -"

"-that's how restaurants work by the way-"

"-then at that school-"

"-that was literally my high school-"

"-now here? What are you, some kind of find my phone app?"

More like, find my scone app.

Get it? Cause it rhymed.

I sigh." Okay, fine. I'm sorry for spilling my smoothie all over your moronic shirt, and for being everywhere you've been since you own the entire universe, but why exactly are you here? Shouldn't you be on your evening shift by now?"

"Well yes. But I had to drop my sister and her friend off. I was about leaving when you murdered my t shirt."

"Wait, you have a sister? What's her name?"

"Nunyabusiness" he says in one word.

I roll my eyes, and my eyes land on Carlos with that girl he'd been so excited about.

"Wait. How old is your sister?"

"Didn't you hear me before? Nunyabu-"

"No, seriously. Look." I say pointing towards them. They looked like they were talking in hushed voices, so that meant it must have been serious.

"Who is that guy -wait, is that your brother? That's even worse than some random fucker." He says, and I punch him in the elbow.

He punches me back. Ow.

"My sister is 13, she'll be 14 next week."

Oh no.

Carlos liked Trevor's sister.

That had to be illegal somehow.

Author's note.

Thank you all so much for reading this far, I'm almost at three hundred views❤️. I hope you liked this chapter. Don't forget to vote!


#17. What's long, hard, and full of seamen?

A submarine.

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