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So Hee's Perspective

Following Namjoon, I walked alongside PP and KK, and the weight of unspoken questions hung in the air. Namjoon's brisk pace matched the intensity of his gaze, reflecting the gravity of the situation at hand.

The corridors seemed to stretch on endlessly, each turn leading us deeper into the labyrinth of secrets and intrigue. I couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension gnawing at the edges of my mind, wondering what awaited us at our destination.

As we walked, the rhythmic sound of our footsteps echoed off the walls, a steady cadence punctuating the silence. The gravity of the task ahead weighed heavily on my mind, mingling with the anticipation of what we might uncover at the hidden location.

Namjoon finally stopped before a nondescript door. With a glance over his shoulder, he gestured for us to enter. The room inside was dimly lit, the atmosphere heavy with a mix of tension and uncertainty.

Namjoon took a seat at the head of a long table, and with a commanding presence, he motioned for us to sit. As we settled into our seats, the air seemed charged with unspoken words, waiting to be unleashed.

"Let's get straight to the point," Namjoon began, his gaze piercing through the shadows. "We had high technical security systems installed with the help of the Turkish. Our security systems are in place for a reason. They are not to be tampered with lightly. We need to understand why there was an interference, and I need answers. KK, PP, start talking."

KK, lounging back in his chair with a smirk, seemed unfazed by the severity of the situation. PP, however, shifted nervously, her eyes darting between Namjoon and KK. I could sense the weight of guilt and apprehension in the air.

Namjoon continued, "I want the truth, no more games. Explain your motives and any information that you have kept from us till now."

KK, maintaining his air of nonchalance, finally leaned forward. "Look, old man, I get it. We've been playing the undercover game, but we have our reasons. It's not as black and white as you might think. Besides it was just a little tweak, nothing serious. And it's not like anyone's getting hurt."

Namjoon's expression remained stern. "Reasons or not, we need transparency within our ranks. The stakes are too high for hidden agendas. Lay out the facts." Namjoon's unwavering demand for transparency echoed in the dimly lit room, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation. I could feel the tension thickening as KK and PP exchanged cautious glances, both seemingly weighing their next words carefully.

PP, her voice tinged with a hint of nervousness, spoke up, "Namjoon, we understand the gravity of the situation. Our actions were not taken lightly, but they were driven by a need to protect our families and ourselves. We believed that by testing the limits, we could better prepare ourselves for potential threats." Namjoon's gaze remained fixed on PP, his expression shouted he did not believe what he just heard, but still asked, "And what about the potential consequences of your actions? Did you consider the risks involved?"

PP shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her eyes briefly darting to KK before returning to Namjoon. "We know playing with security systems isn't ideal, but I was confident about my work and myself, when I joined The Black Syndicate I promised Rose to keep the gang matters secret and not reveal them, even when I have to fight for my life then." Namjoon's stern expression softened slightly as he listened to PP's explanation. Her commitment to secrecy and her belief in the importance of understanding the security systems seemed to be genuine, but the tension in the room persisted.

Namjoon, after a moment of contemplation, responded, "PP, your intentions might have been rooted in a desire to enhance our security, but you must understand the potential risks involved in bypassing our established protocols. Our security measures are designed to protect us, and any deviation from them puts us all in jeopardy."

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