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A good game of truth or dare is always fun :)

I dare you to say hello to someone you've never talked to before.


"A dares' a dare."

Blue looked over at Green triumphantly, who in turn rolled his eyes. Blue had just dared Green to row faster and harder -- despite the fact that the current was sort of against them. The route they had taken was quite the interesting one, what with it's many weird obstacles and different scenes.

Green reluctantly picked up his oars and continued to row harder than before. He was so focused that everything but the feel of his arms moving were blocked out -- like he was in a whole 'nother world.

One full of exhaustion.

The boat moved along slowly, despite the effort poor Green was putting in on rowing the boat. Blue moved to the front of the boat, looking around at their surroundings. Nothing much really -- just bushes, trees, and more vegetation. Oh, and don't forget about the rushing water just below the two friends.

Blue looked over at Green, almost feeling a bit guilty for putting him through so much work at the moment. He knew that Green wasn't getting enough sleep -- he wasn't sure of why. Listening to his music was probably not important enough for Green to miss his beauty sleep. But he didn't know what else could be the reason.

He was jolted out of his thoughts when he almost lost his balance. Catching himself just in time, he realized that it was because the current had suddenly changed and was now pushing the boat forward instead of backward. And since Green had been rowing, the boat was propelled forward by quite a lot.

The boat rocked slightly from side to side. Blue sat down, feeling a little sick, but it wasn't long before the boat was effortlessly gliding along the narrow river. Green placed his oars down, leaning back against his chair on the boat -- completely exhausted. Although he didn't show it -- or at least, he tried to -- Blue could still tell the hint of exhaustion. And he did feel a bit guilty.

But Green did want a challenge anyway, so he brushed the feeling off uneasily.

The two friends sat in silence as their little boat bobbed along the narrow river, efficiently making it's way toward the set location. Blue pulled out his map, examining the route.

The three trails that the six friends had taken were going to end up at the same place in the end. So Blue and Green would be able to meet up with the other four when the time comes -- they just had to survive until then.

Probably easier said than done.

He sighed, placing the map back into his backpack. He watched the rushing water, mesmerized by it's beauty despite the fact that it seemed like it was pushing against the little boat harshly. It splashed against the boat -- going up, up -- then it crashed back down in a rainbow of colors. Every single droplet, all making up one long river.

If someone were to pour a single droplet of water into a dried up river, it would take days, months, years, for them to finish filling up the whole river.

Oh, how Blue wanted his nether wart now at the moment. The thought of how long filling a river up can be made him realize just how long he would have to wait until he could eat some of his precious nether wart. The pain.

Green noticed the look. He sighed.

"Don't tell me you're thinking about those drugs of yours again." Green muttered, studying Blue's expression. Blue blinked, turning around to look at him in confusion and indignation.

"Drugs?" Blue repeated. He crossed his arms as he stared right back at Green. "They aren't drugs. You just don't understand how good it actually tastes."

Green rolled his eyes, mimicking Blue's action by crossing his own arms too, and stated firmly. "It isn't even a type of food! You literally try eating anything, despite the fact that it's not edible."

Blue opened his mouth, about to argue back, but suddenly his stomach felt like it was flying -- or maybe he was flying -- and the boat sped forward. The current had grown stronger.

Now completely forgetting about what had just happened, Blue stood up, gazing across at the area beyond. He stared.

Were those...


Great tangles of vines hung down from the huge tree branches overhead, providing some sort of barrier from the sky above. Green and Blue's boat bobbed along the current, making its way into the strange tunnel of tree and vine.

Green ducked, pulling Blue with him. The long, green vines didn't move, no, but they could easily hit either of the two if they weren't careful. So the two flattened themselves against the bottom of the boat, staring up at the canopy of tree leaves above them, accompanied by the huge green vines that beckoned to them -- as if it wanted them to reach out and touch climb it...

Green swatted Blue's hand, jolting Blue from his thoughts. He blinked, just realizing that he had been about to touch one of the green vines hanging from above.

"They could be dangerous." Green whispered. "Don't go touching them."

For once Blue didn't argue back. He did love to experiment with things, and wasn't afraid of trying something new -- even though it may seem dangerous -- but the warning Green gave him was enough to keep his mouth shut and his arms close to his body.

The two friends' boat drifted calmly over the water, finally passing through the potential obstacle. Blue and Green straightened up, just realizing how much they had missed the sun and it's warming light. Guess you really shouldn't take things for granted.

Blue sighed, sitting back down at the front of the boat. Green took a seat in the middle, also silent. They didn't know what to say.

And so the rest of their journey back was quiet save the sound of the rushing water pushing against the little boat.



Word Count: 995 words

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