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I love animals. Don't you?


Red pointed, looking over at Yellow happily.

"Look at all these animals, Yellow!" He exclaimed, holding his arm out as a bird fluttered toward him. The bird perched on the outstretched arm, twittering. Red's eyes widened with adoration and happiness. "Can we keep it?"

Yellow, who stood at the front of the boat to make sure things were okay, turned to him at that moment, his eyes narrowing. He said sternly. "No. You've already got enough animals, Red, and you can keep getting more from Minecraft. No need for another."

Red pouted, giving him a look as he gently stroked the bird. Yellow rolled his eyes, turning back to the front. Behind him, he heard Red sigh as he let the bird fly away.

Red's charms won't affect Yellow.

So far, things were quite calm. The water had somewhat calmed down, and now the two friends were just drifting along the river slowly. There weren't any overhanging branches, or random rocks in the water.

Absolutely nothing.

And now, things were extremely calm. Yellow wondered for a second why. He turned back to Red.


Red had sat down, crossing his arms. He was looking at the ground, making absolutely no noise -- a deep contrast compared to what he was doing earlier. Yellow almost felt a little bad.

Maybe he felt a little guilty for making Red such a way, but he did make a good point earlier.

He glanced back to the front. Nothing. It would be okay if he slacked off a bit.

He moved to sit next to Red, patting him on the back. Red just huffed in response and pushed him away slightly.

"Look. I'm sorry, but you really can't keep any of these animals." Yellow said firmly -- although he was way gentler at the moment. "How 'bout we go out for ice cream tomorrow? Will that help?"

Immediately Red's face brightened, and Yellow had to fight himself mentally to stop a laugh from happening. Sometimes Red could be a little too dramatic.

Red turned to Yellow, his eyes wide and shining with hope. Yep. Very dramatic.


Yellow gave him a smile and nodded. "Yeah. I keep my promises."

Now that this problem was solved and finished with, Yellow went back to keeping an eye on things. Unfortunately, things were still just as boring as earlier. There was absolutely nothing.

He pulled out his map, examining the route that he and Red had taken. He tried looking for any type of obstacle, but none was mentioned or marked.

He sighed, placing it back into his bag. He was quite glad that things weren't too extreme, but this was just too quiet.

A sudden shuffling caught his attention. Yellow turned, examining the bushes on the bank. Red's attention was on them too, for the bushes were rustling -- almost like something was following them.

The two kept very still, watching the bushes intensely.

They heard a low growl.


A large cat jumped out, stalking after Yellow and Red's boat as they continued to drift along the river. It was slightly hunched, and it eyed the two of them almost hungrily. Yellow shrank back, staring at it. This couldn't be good.

But instead of following Yellow's cue, Red just walked closer as he stared right back at the hungry cat. He reached into his bag, tossing something out.

Yellow face palmed, and he muttered to Red quietly. "You just keep that on you?"

Red smiled, watching as the big cat caught the raw fish and began to eat. The two friends' boat began to drift farther and farther away from the big cat -- but it didn't seem to care. After finishing, it turned tail and walked back into the shadows.

Red turned to Yellow, a somewhat dazed look on his face.

"You never know when you have to help an animal." Red said happily -- almost indignantly as he watched Yellow's expression.

Yellow just looked at him for a moment longer. Then he shook his head and walked back to his post on the boat.

Things continued being as boring as it was earlier. The oars sat, abandoned, below Red's seat. The two rested in the back, knowing that keeping watch would just tire them out in the end -- and for no reason at all.

Yellow sighed. Absolutely nothing was happening...


The boat lurched forward. Yellow and Red immediately stood up, looking down at their boat. It must've hit something hard -- otherwise, how would it have made such a noise?

The boat lurched forward once again. Something was scraping against its bottom. The boat shifted from left to right, causing Yellow and Red to lose their balance.

Once the two pulled each other up, they bent down, trying to see what the problem was. Water rushed past them in waves, splashing against the boat, but despite this strong force, the boat didn't move. Something had gotten it stuck.

Yellow paced around, thinking deeply. They needed to get the boat back on track...but how could they if the damage must've been done underwater?

Red's voice caught his attention. He turned, watching as Red reached a hand into the water.

His heart rate sped up.

Immediately Yellow yanked Red back, fixing him with a pointed gaze.

"What are you-"

But before Yellow could finish his sentence, Red was back to reaching into the water, muttering something incoherent. Using all his willpower, Yellow forced himself to stay still and watch.

Something flipped out of the water, then dipped back down in a colorful shower of water. Yellow gasped quietly, fixing his gaze where he last saw the huge fish. He needn't wait long, for the fish flipped out once more, splashing another rainbow of colorful water toward the two friends before it dipped back down into the water.

Then the boat lurched forward. Yellow spread his arms out, just catching himself before he lost his balance. Before he could fully stand back up, though, the boat lurched forward once more.

Then with a horrible scratching noise, the boat pushed free and continued it's trail once more.

Yellow sat down, shooting a curious gaze over at Red. Red didn't notice, though, and only threw little bits of food into the water -- presumably for the fish.

Sometimes a talent with animals could be quite helpful in times like these.

And the two friends continued on with their journey, full with absolutely nothing since all the excitement and action seemed to have already passed. No matter, really, they would just meet back up with their friends soon -- that would be their excitement and action.

But at the moment, the two just sat back and relaxed -- completely free and clear of all dangers. For now.


Red's too good :)

Word Count: 1121 words

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