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What silent friends they are....Blue and Yellow....

...even in the cold.


They had made one loop with the ferris wheel, and were continuing on the second trip around through the sky.

Blue and Yellow rested comfortably in the compartment, silence washing over them just like the shadows casting over them due to the night sky above them. A light blue hue would occasionally pass over their compartment due to the lights of the city below them.

Their compartment rose slowly -- peacefully. The stars winked down at the two friends, flashing brightly against the dark pallet of the night sky. Night was falling fast -- the sky was only growing ever darker.

A dark shape caught Yellow's eyes. It flew by in the sky, right above his and Blue's compartment.

A bird, perhaps. An owl?

The moon was waning. Yellow had always wondered why the moon couldn't stay full all the time. Maybe there was a deeper meaning to it other than the common answer of the moon rotating around the Earth and the Earth rotating around the sun.

Maybe it represented humans, and how people like Yellow and Blue and their friends are always changing. Never the same. Never fully round. Never perfect.

And that was okay.

Slowly Blue and Yellow's compartment made it to the very top. It continued to move slowly, but it allowed the two friends enough time to bask in the glory of being on the top of the world. The moon cast a soft light over the twos' faces, a soft breeze passing by. Then they were over and back to making it toward the ground again while other compartments took the place they were just in.

They were back in the shadows once again.

Blue looked down below at the city. It had taken on a whole different look now that night was falling. The street lights were shining softly, like that of a bedside lamp, and because of that, it cast long shadows over the many streets and sidewalks. The ice cream parlor the group of six had just been in was completely in the shadows -- a faint hue of light washing over one side of the building.

Despite this drastic change, though, people and cars were still plentiful. Not to mention the long line still waiting for their turn on the ferris wheel. That was what you'd expect from a city, after all.

The two friends' compartment was starting to get closer and closer toward the ground. A sudden thought passed through their minds. They wondered if their friends were okay -- they hadn't seen them ever since they had gotten in the compartment.

Though they didn't need to worry. Their friend's were responsible. Things were probably going just fine.

The compartment slowly slid past the ground and began its way back up into the sky. This would be the third and final loop the ferris wheel would make before it completely stops and allows new passengers to get on and the old ones to get off.

Blue and Yellow continued to stay quiet, finding comfort in the silence the both of them provided. Sometimes the two preferred to observe rather than talk.

The compartment flew slowly into the sky, making once another loop. It wasn't until the compartment began to make its way down did Yellow look over at Blue and decide to break the silence.

"Get your things ready." Was all he said. He honestly didn't know what to say -- and Blue didn't mind the short and obvious statement.

The two got their things ready, waiting for the compartment to come to a complete stop as it began to slow down. With a soft click, the compartment stopped, and the two were finally able to stand up.

They carefully made their way toward the empty ice cream parlor after stepping off of the compartment, deciding that they would probably be able to meet their friends there. The night had brought with it a cool breeze that brushed by the two friends, causing them to shiver.

They hadn't brought a spare jacket. The rest were in their suitcase.

But they didn't need to care much about that fact, for they were quick to spot their friends walking toward them.

At least, three of them were walking. One was being half dragged, half carried toward the ice cream parlor.

Red was still as energetic as ever. He impatiently waited for the others to get their things ready, wanting to get back to the hotel asap. Second was finishing his last bits of his sketch, humming slightly as he did so.

Purple held a sleeping Green, carrying both his pack and Green's pack. He seemed to be burdened with quite a lot at the moment, but when Yellow stepped forward to ask if he could help, Purple brushed him off and told him not to worry.

The group of friends rested in the dim light of the parlor for a while longer. Then Red just couldn't take it anymore.

"Are we going back?" He asked, turning from one exhausted face to the next. Second turned to him, nodding in response.

Then he turned to the others. "Alright...let's go back. Meet back here in the morning at around ten. We'll be going on the boats -- and we need to be a bit early if we want to be able to get good ones."

Then with that, he and Red began to make their way back to the hotel. Purple was the next to follow, now fully carrying Green (he felt that dragging Green would be rude). Blue and Yellow hung back, taking in the last of the cool night air.

Cars rushed past the two friends, though they still stood there. People buttoned up in heavy jackets rushed past them, impatient to get back to a warm, cozy home, and yet the two friends still stood there. Funny, too, how they weren't wearing a heavy jacket like theirs and yet they still wanted to stand out in the cold.

After around 15 minutes, the two friends then set off back to the hotel in silence.


Another one is finished :)

The description really stumped me

Word Count: 1008 words

Wowo :)

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