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Here it is :)


"Sit down Red!"

Second sighed, face palming. Red flashed him a guilty smile as he reluctantly sat down across from Second. The two of them sat in the transparent compartment connected to the ferris wheel, ready to begin the ride. Their friends were making their ways to a different compartment, so each partnership would have one compartment to themselves.

The two then fell into a comfortable silence. At least, it was comfortable to Second.

Red was already feeling a bit restless.

He looked out at the scene, bouncing his leg as he waited for the ride to start. He waited impatiently. Second, on the other hand, grabbed out his very old sketchbook from his bag and began to sketch something on the back of another page.

He obviously needed a new sketchbook. No matter. His friends probably got a new one for him.

He can always count on his friends.

More people were boarding onto the ferris wheel. It didn't seem like the line would ever end. But eventually the line would be stopped and barricaded and the ride would start.

Although before that would happen, Red would restlessly look for something to do.

He looked out at the crowd, scanning around. Then he looked out at the buildings. There was the ice cream parlor his friends and him were just at, looking quite cozy in the hue of the setting sun. Time had passed quite fast when the six friends were looking for presents for each other.

On the other side was the ocean. Or was it a sea? Red could never tell what the difference was.

Boats were docked into the harbor, but some were already out on the water, and distant shouts and screams could be heard from the passengers on board. The setting sun cast shadows over the tiny ant-like boats in the distance, the water rippling and seeming as if it was ripping up and crumbling the little strips of light it contained.

Red glanced at Second. His artistic friend was probably capturing this all in his stuffed sketchbook at the moment.

He raised his gaze to the setting sun outside. Immediately he regretted his decision, because the sun burned into his eyes, despite it setting on the horizon. He quickly looked away, blinking hard.

A sudden sound of quiet laughing was heard. Red looked over at Second, who fought to keep a laugh contained inside of him.

Huffing, Red looked away back outside at the scene to continue examining what was happening.

His eyes passed over the ice cream parlor again. Oh how he wished to have another ice cream at the moment...it was quite stuffy in the compartment. He pulled at the collar of his shirt as he continued to look outside.

After a long time of restless looking around with absolutely no motive in mind, Red decided that he'll be smart for once (/jk) and see if he could find the others in their compartments.

He stood up, ignoring Second's piercing look of warning, and looked at the nearby compartments. There was one slightly elevated above his and Second's compartment. And through the transparent walls Red could see two familiar faces.

"Green! Purple!"

Green and Purple looked around at the sound of Red's voice. After catching sight of him, they waved, and he waved back energetically. Second sighed, also waving back. Then Red turned to search for Blue and Yellow in the many compartments.

Said friends were in the compartment a while away from his and Second's. It would probably be impossible for Red to catch their attention, but Red, being the optimistic guy he is, still tried to call out for them.

They didn't turn.

Second yanked Red down, forcing him to sit down. Huffing, Red crossed his arms and stared at the ground. The two were drowned in silence once more.

Finally Red scooted over to Second's side, not knowing what else to do other than to see what his friend was drawing.

Like he had predicted, Second was sketching the beautiful scenery of the ocean (or was it sea? Of course Red couldn't tell) with it's many boats on the blank page. Currently he was sketching out the many ant-like boats.

Red was completely fascinated by the half-finished sketch. Actually, he was always flabbergasted by what Second could do, but this was just amazing.

Second was able to capture the waves in their rippling motion -- seeming as the ocean (or sea...) was actually moving across the page. Along with that were the realistic boats that Second was filling in at the moment. The shading was just right...the boats an exact replica of the boats rowing along on the body of water at the moment. They were majestical. Then in the background was the setting sun.

It was so realistic.

Red wondered if Second would add an animal or two.

Adding Reuben would be a great addition to such a realistic sketch. Right?

He moved back across from Second, sighing. He was back to waiting impatiently for the ferris wheel to start. How many people were getting on in the first place? He started bouncing his leg, looking out.

His eyes widened.

Some important looking people were moving forward, cutting the long line off.

The ride was close to beginning.


Oh wow. Very exciting :)

Word Count: 880 words

Welp. Can't wait for the ride to begin!

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