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Another chapter! I tried at the ending :)


"I almost feel bad for Second..."

Green turned to look at Purple, raising an eyebrow. "Why would you say that?"

Purple shrugged. "Red. He's a bit too energetic...and you know Second...but that can't really be helped."

Green laughed. He nodded in agreement. Second was quite the opposite of Red most of the time. But even with that, the two of them made a great duo.

Red had just waved to them so eagerly and energetically. That was probably enough proof to show just how much energy the guy had.

Purple began to scroll on his phone. Green noticed, but he didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. An awkward silence fell.

Green reached into his backpack that sat on the floor and retrieved his headphones. He places them over his ears, sitting back. The start of a song began to play in his head (imagine or play a song yourself :)) and he smiled as he looked outside, humming quietly along with the music.

He noticed the door to the compartment wasn't placed just right.

Now, Green loves to make things just right. That's how he wins so many competitions concerning building.

He reached a hand out, tilting the door and closing it shut again. It wasn't too perfect, but at least it was better than what it was earlier.

He heard someone laughing.

He turned. Purple was laughing, and it seemed to be directed straight at him. Green rolled his eyes and sat back once more.

A perfectionist's job is never done.

It wasn't long before the two fell back into a comfortable silence. Green hummed along with his music, looking out.

A flash of pink caught his eye.

He blinked, scooting over to the door as he peered out. He swore he saw a familiar karen. One that he didn't want to see ever again. But as he looked out, he couldn't find the pink again.

It must've just been some type of coincidence. He probably just saw some pink bag or something and not a pink dress that he originally thought it was.

Though as he looked out, he noticed something else. The long line was being barricaded off. The ride would almost be starting, then. Green glanced over at Purple.

"Are you afraid of heights?" The question popped out of his mouth before he could stop it. Purple turned to him, giving him a look of confusion.

"No. I literally have an elytra." But then Purple smirked as he tilted his head. "Maybe you're afraid of heights?"

Green scoffed. "No. Heights are nothing."

Purple rolled his eyes and turned back to his phone. Green studied him.

"Hey Purple." Purple looked up from his phone. Green continued after he caught Purple's attention. "What is your biggest fear?"

An uncomfortable look crossed Purple's face, and Green immediately regretted what he said. He scolded himself mentally for being so ignorant -- he had literally seen Purple's past.

" don't need to answer that..." Green said quickly, his guilt causing a bitter taste to form inside his mouth.

Purple looked at him for a second longer before turning back to his phone. Green, still feeling guilty about what he had done, turned back outside to watch the crowd below. The two friends fell into an uncomfortable silence.

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