*SC* YAY! Our beautiful girl is coming to see us!

*LF* Yes! You can hear me record my part.

*BC* Guess you can tell we are excited? Do you have the car today?

*AD* Yo, what the hell is this? Who is this?

*DN* Who do you think twatwaffle? Me, mom and all the guys! Duh!

*HJ* TWATWAFFLE?? OMG!!! Oh yeah, this is Han.

*AD* Dammit Don! OK, everyone send me a message. I'm going back to work.

Oh lord, I already forsee Jisung using twatwaffle a lot. I giggle as the messages keep coming through.

*M* At least he didn't call you a cuntmuffin, or cunticorn, cumbubble or cumdumpster!

I already know my child is going to go ballistic, but I couldn't resist. Don, sitting beside me, loses his shit. Throwing his head back, he laughs till there are tears coming pouring down his face. I join in and before long, people are looking at us like we lost our minds. I really don't care though.

*AD* OH MY FUCKING GOD MOTHER!!!!!!!! You just had to go there didn't you? I nearly spit coffee out of my nose! Thank god none of my coworkers were around. Y'all, you see how my mom is? I don't even think you are prepared for her!! Ha ha ha, guess it's too late now!

We start laughing even harder. Oh how good it feels to just have a fun day and tease my kid. Sometimes he can be quite serious, so I had a feeling he needed this to loosen up.

*M* Sorry, sorry! I couldn't resist! I love you bubba!

*AD* I love you to mom.

*LF* Are you sure you aren't Aussie? Those are epic! Oh, and there is a driver on the way to pick you up.

*AD* Not Aussie, just Texans! If you haven't realized, we are loud and mouthy. It's just kinda in our DNA. Not to mention, half of mom's DNA is Scottish and Irish. So, that combo, along with being a born and raised Texan... Good luck guys!!!!!

*M* Remember I know where you sleep child. Remember how quietly I can walk. Pay back will happen when you least expect it.

*SC* I can attest, she can walk extremely quiet. She has actually scared me! I nearly threw my damn phone. And wait, Scottish/Irish/Texan, hmmm. I've heard all three have attitudes and their anger can be, umm, well, potent. YOUR ALL THREE IN ONE? Hell guys, are we prepared? He he he. I'm up for the challenge.

Don, looking over at his mom, laughs. These guys have no idea the mischief his mom can get into. Just wait till after her surgery. The fun will really start then! Right now, though, he's so happy to see the light coming back to his mom. It had been dimmed for way too long.

*DN* Freaking awesome about the car! Thanks guys. Who wants a boba or coffee? My treat. Snacks too?

Our phones light up like crazy with the guys sending their orders. I giggle at them. This has been a great day. But, I'm a little freaked out to actually be going to their studio at JYPE. As we go around getting their orders and waiting for the car, we both look at each other and just smile.

We get the message the car is there, just as we pick up the last of the orders. Walking out, we see Hanuel waving at us. Unbeknownst to him, the guys had ask us to get him something too.

"Hi! How are you doing today, Hanuel?"

"Hello Lynn and Don. Today has been a very good day. The guys ask me to pick you up. Wow, they said you were coming in with drinks and snacks!" He stares wide eyed at the bags we are carrying out.

The Adventure of a Lifetime AwaitsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora