Twenty-three: Safe Haven.

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"Yeah but at some point you gotta' chill bro. You gon' lose ya life if you keep gamblin' it. And ion' wanna see you dead nigga. I got faith in you lil bro." Ezriah said as he passed the blunt to Nipsey.

"Few more years, we could all be out of this street shit. We got the money, we just need a plan. Yall wit me?"

The thought of leaving the game hadn't crossed Junior's mind. In his eyes, he was just getting started. If Saint wanted to leave, he would support him in doing so.

Nipsey, on the other hand planned on leaving the game sooner than later. Being that he was the oldest out of the four, and he had a kid on the way he knew it was time. How could he be a loving husband if he continued to put himself in harms way?

Flocko, didn't mind leaving the game either. He had enough money, he was just lonely. The streets was all he had but he knew Ezriah was right, they couldn't do this shit forever.

"I'm with you. A nigga bout to get married, having kids and shit. It may be time to throw in the towel." Nipsey said as he inhaled the blunt.

A few hours went by and once they discussed which drugs were going to be sold at certain hotels, and how they would split the revenue, they all parted ways.

Ezriah shot Cimani a text, letting her know that he was on his way home. She had been at his place for a few nights since he was working a lot and didn't want to bring any drugs to her house. He didn't want to risk anything happening at her house, he respected her, Chloè, and Ashley too much.

As he exited the warehouse from the back door, he locked up before making his way towards his Mercedes Benz G-Wag that held 5 percent tints.


Ezriah heard a loud shatter, his eyes frantically searching for his car as he heard a car alarm go off. Once his eyes landed on his black matte vehicle, he couldn't help the scowl that was on his face.

He heard the young boy laugh as he admired his work. Ezriah's passenger seat window, now shattered as the brown brick that sat in the seat indicated that the young boy had in fact just thrown it.

His eyes went dark as his long legs quietly stalked towards the boy. His brown dreads in a ponytail at the top of his head, his all black Nike Tech didn't have a wrinkle on it. The all white G fazo's looked fresh out the box. Lil nigga was fly, and dumb as hell. No mask on, with a fly ass fit to commit a crime.

Grabbing the boy by his hoodie, Ezriah pinned him against the G-wag. The look in his eye was one that could kill. The anonymous boys eyes got wide as he stared at Ezriah, a grin plastered on his face as he laughed as if he was happy he got caught.

Swiftly, Ezriah raised his fist and landed a hard punch into the boys jaw. "You got a fuckin' death wish nigga?" He asked hastily as he threw another punch, causing the boys mouth the bleed.

The boy shoved Ezriah forcefully, landing a punch on the side of his face. "Nigga fuck you!" He said angrily as he tried to swing again, this time it didn't connect.

Instead, Ezriah grabbed his fist and backed him into the car again. He put the boy into a head lock as he cut off his air way. "Fuck sent you lil nigga?" He screamed in the empty parking lot. "Speak nigga! Or I swear to god this will be ya' last breath."

The boys hands pried at Ezriah's biceps as he tried his hardest to wiggle out of his grip. He felt his breaths get slower as his chest heaved up, and down. "N-nigga nobody sent me!" He coughed as he fought his hardest to get out of Ezriah's grip.

Ezriah had to admit, the boy was strong. They had now moved off of the car, the boys legs guiding them as he tried to pry Ezriah off of him. "You killed my father nigga!" The boy yelled as he finally broke down.

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