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It's been two weeks since the family dinner with Freen. Since that night, we haven't seen each other and we often talk because of the demands of our work.

I am busy promoting our movie and shooting some commercials most of the time with Harry. While Freen is busy with her project at the orphanage out of town. 

Though she's busy, she never forgets to send me white tulips every Friday either at home or at my workplace. She used to send it via delivery from the small flower shop owned by the old woman near her place. The people around me were always wondering who was sending them and thought it was from Harry. They never know it came from the most beautiful woman in the world and the flowers that she's giving are her favorite.

I'm always missing her since our connection is getting deeper. The relationship that we have is something special. Too special for us to give a label on it. If only I'd have the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend. Girlfriend? I haven't had any romantic relationship before and I haven't thought of being in a relationship with a woman. I am straight before meeting Freen. And now, everything changed in an instant.

I am also not sure if Freen feels the same way. What if she's just exploring and experimenting and she’s not even into women? What if, at the end of the day, she'll be choosing to get married to a man? A man like Philip.

My heart sank just by thinking of it. Freen can cause me joy and pain at the same time. She's my source of happiness. The reason why my heart beats so fast.

After so many days and nights of thinking about Freen, I can't deny to myself anymore that I like her.  I like her a lot.


I don't like her.

I love her.


I'm in love with our Miss World,  Freen Sarocha Chankimha.

And I hope and pray….

That she loves me too.

“Earth to Becky!” Shouted Harry.

“Sorry, what are you saying?” I asked. I remember having a conversation with him regarding our future projects.

“You spaced out. Are you alright? You've been a little quiet and sad these past days.” He said.

“It's about work. I am quite tired. Don't worry, I'll be fine.” I answered but honestly, my mind had been occupied with Freen and the feelings I had for her.

“Alright. But if you need someone to talk to, I'm just here Becky. I care about you.” He said. I know Harry is sincere and he is a good friend. However, I can't tell him about Freen and I's situation since we are working as partners and that may affect our working relationship.

“Thank you, Harry.”

We spend some of our time talking again about our work while waiting for the camera to roll since we are having our commercial shoot today.

“Hey guys, have you seen this news about our Miss World?” One staff member eagerly said to another.

My heart beats fast just by hearing Freen’s title.

“What news?” The other curiously asked.

I became curious also since I hadn't talked to Freen for some days. I am wondering what news they are talking about.

“She was seen with her ex-boyfriend in one event. They said that they were so into each other that day and they seem to get back into a relationship since they saw them kissing before leaving the event.”

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