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My phone rings and receives a message notification. It's from Freen. I hesitated to open it but I still did.

I'll take you home. I'll wait for you outside.

I looked at the message and contemplated if I would respond or not. I feel irritated right now because of the jealousy that I am feeling.

So, she is waiting for me and expected me to go with her and that Philip?

I responded to her message.

I don't want to be your third wheel. Ask Philip to take you home.

Hmph! I frowned and sighed deeply.

What do you mean? Don't drink too much alcohol, I am worried.

After reading her message, I took the shot glass that Harry was holding and gulped the clear liquid from it.

"Hey, Becky! That's my shot. Anyway, that will be your last." Harry said. I ignore him and immediately type something on my phone.

You don't have to worry. Don't wait for me. I might disturb your happy date with your ex.

I am so frustrated right now and angry at the same time. Is this what jealousy feels?

Don't be stubborn Rebecca. I'll drive you home.

Stubborn? Am I being stubborn? She's the one who told me that she likes me but there she is with her ex-boyfriend.

I didn't respond anymore and tried to busy myself talking with the people at our table. I didn't notice that I already drank 2 more glasses of soju. I feel a little lightheaded right now since I don't have good alcohol tolerance.

Harry and I kept on laughing at something that I didn't even understand. Good thing we are the only people in the restaurant and there will be no other people who will see us in this state. We are not drunk but a little tipsy I guess.

After a few minutes, we saw Freen walking gorgeously in our direction. I was surprised by her presence and looked at her with a questioning look.

She smiles at everyone who seems so surprised too that she returns to the restaurant knowing that they all saw her leaving with Philip a while ago.

She went closer to Mama A and whispered something to her. Then she averted her gaze to us specifically to me.

"Sorry to bother you guys but I need to excuse Rebecca," Freen said and went closer to me.

"You may now go, Rebecca. Freen said you need to discuss something important." Mama A said.

Though surprised and puzzled, I bid my goodbyes to them. I gathered my things and stood but since there was a little cloud of alcohol in my head, I felt dizzy and searched for something to hold.

I felt hands holding my hips and arms, giving me support. It was Freen.

Mama A, Harry, and some of the people with us were worried but they kept on teasing me of being drunk already. We just laughed it off.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Harry asked worriedly.

"Yes, Harry. I am not drunk. I just felt dizzy when I stood immediately."

Freen is still supporting me quietly.

"Let's go, Rebecca." She whispered, causing goosebumps on my skin. Her warm breath is not helping me to focus and I felt hot all over my body. Freen's effect.

"I can walk by myself, Freen," I told her.

She removed her arm around my waist and just supported my right arm while walking slowly towards the door.

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