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I was beyond excited to see Freen. My heart is literally jumping just by thinking of her. Damn!

"Hi guys, sorry but I cannot go with you for dinner. I have to go somewhere important." I said to my team and to my other co-stars who were chatting happily.

"What? But why? You are the star tonight and we want to celebrate with you." One of our co-stars asked with surprise in his voice.

"Matt is right, Becky. This is the only time we can be together after working so hard." Harry added.

They are all looking at me waiting for my answer. I know that we already planned this yesterday but I didn't expect Freen to invite me tonight.

"Excuse me, may I interrupt for a while. We want to apologize but we invited Rebecca to join us for dinner tonight." I didn't expect my dad to say it.

I looked at him and he just nodded and smiled.

"Ah ok po Tito, Tita. We will just invite her again some other time." Harry politely said.

"We are really sorry." My mom added.

I bid my goodbyes to my team and to my co-stars. I know they are disappointed but they do understand when it comes to family matters. Well, mine is not about family but Freen is already a family for me.

I walked out of the exit with my mom and dad with me.

"Dad, mom. Thank you for saving me." I said while chuckling.

"No worries, anak. We also want to meet Freen in person." Dad answered.

The security escorted us at the exit going to the VIP parking lot. My parents' car was also parked there and we are very sure that there's no media or fans who will chase us.

Once we are at the VIP parking lot, I already spotted Freen's black BMW car. My heart is pounding right now because of excitement and nervousness. This is the first time my parents will meet her and the anticipation of the scenario is killing me inside.

"Relax, anak. It's just Freen." My mom said while smiling.

After some seconds, I saw Freen coming out of her car. She was simply wearing a black sleeveless cocktail dress and a pair of black high heels. Her wavy hair is cascading down her bare shoulders.

What a goddess!? I said to myself admiring her beauty.

I didn't notice that she was already in front of us because my mind is so busy thinking how gorgeous and beautiful she is.

"Good evening po, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. I'm Freen Chankimha. I am happy to finally meet you in person. Rebecca always mentioned you both and also her little brother." Freen politely said while extending her hand to shake hands with my parents.

"We are also happy to meet you finally, Freen. Our daughter has always good things to talk about you." My mom said and gave Freen a hug and peck her on her cheek.

"Nice meeting you, hija. Rebecca was right, you are truly beautiful in person." My dad said and shook Freen's hand.

I was surprised by my dad's remark and I immediately glared at him. He just shrugs his shoulders and smirks at me.

When my head turned to Freen I saw her blushing because of what Dad had said. Gosh, she looks so cute when blushing. My mind instantly said.

Freen turns her attention to me.

"Congratulations, Rebecca. I heard the premiere night turned out really well and the movie was really great." She said and gave me a quick hug.

"Thank you, Freen." I said.

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