the forest is alive?

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As Becky is resting on a fallen log, Atlas starts putting together old rotten logs. Retro just sits there looking off into the distance. As Retro looks off he sees something that peaks his interest, getting up he walks over to this rather large building.

(Retro) it's old but looks really suspicious..

As he enters the building the sword glows a dark aura as it lights an area around retro.

(Retro) interesting seems like there's a gem over here.

After looking around for a moment he finds the gem on a wall slightly embedded. He thinks for a moment and walks away from the gem.

(Retro) better to get Atlas for this. I don't need to damn near collapse again.

Upon leaving the building Atlas was standing near the entrance looking at retro. As if to say where did you go.

(Atlas) why did you go into the building retro?

(Retro) you're here, come here with me for a sec I found a gem.

(Atlas) you found a gem!

As they are talking Becky walks up to them

(Becky) what are you guys doing

(Atlas) Oh, we were just discussing what's possibly inside this building.

(Retro) there seems to be a gem in this building but for some reason the building seems to be unsafe.

(Becky) Well if you guys want i can pause time and search the place?.

(Retro) we don't need you to pause time for us. We are gonna miss all the fun.

(Atlas) Wait, I have a question for you Becky, how do you manipulate time?

(Becky) Yea?. Well you see, back in the future I was exploring with my friend for the relic called the shell of greed and when I got there everything seemed fine until there were land mines and it blew up. A piece of the shell that was left stabbed into my heart almost killing me. “As Becky tears his shirt open.” So yea powers of time I guess

(Atlas) That's quite strange as in the archivist library the relic shell of greed never depicts an ability like that so it's quite strange to me.

(Retro) umm ok but again we are gonna miss all the fun, but aside from all of this, we need to get that gem out of here and safely store it. There is no telling how powerful that gem is let alone the consequences if somebody else gets a hold of it.

(Atlas) I agree those gems are quite the hassle to get when knowing they are scattered.

(Retro) Also, do you have food on hand Atlas? I'm a hungry man..

(Atlas) Oh sure I cut off some pork from the pig from earlier and I got a few vegetables I can cook with

(Retro) use your fire relic to cook it fast, I don't care if you turn it into jerky. It's something easy and fast.

As Atlas puts away an hourglass orb into his bag he pulls out another and puts it into a slot in his gloves using it he conjures fire to cook the food but the fire is a bit too powerful and leaves the food a bit burnt.

(Atlas) well here you go retro hope you don't mind it being a bit burnt

Retro takes it from Atlas and somewhat eats it.

(Retro) not bad. I Need salt and garlic..

Becky) oh crap this stuff is good.

(Atlas) Well that's good to hear

The trio walked into the building and saw the gem on the wall, retro swords started to glow and Becky asked why is the sword glowing…

(Atlas) Do you want a short or long explanation of that

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