The Archivist Book {rewrite}

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As Retro began to collapse, Atlas darted forward, catching him just in time before he hit the ground. Holding Retro in his arms, Atlas looked up at the phantom lingering in the doorway, his voice edged with concern. "What happened to him?" Atlas demanded.

The phantom, with a smug smile playing on his lips, simply replied, "You'll find out soon enough," before turning to leave. As he vanished into the shadows, only a lingering trace of his presence remained, a reminder of the encounter.

Atlas gently laid Retro on the bed, his mind racing with unanswered questions. But for now, there were more immediate concerns. Determined to make their temporary shelter more livable, Atlas set to work. He took his axe and ventured outside, felling a few trees. With the help of his Relic of Transfiguration, he transformed the logs into sturdy planks, replacing the worn flooring in the house.

Hours passed, and as Atlas was in the middle of preparing a meal, a soft noise behind him caught his attention. He turned to see Retro stirring, slowly sitting up in bed, one hand pressed to his head.

"Hey, Retro," Atlas called out, concern lacing his voice. "You alright, man?"

Retro gave a faint smile, though the exhaustion in his eyes was evident. "Yeah, I'm okay. I had to use what little power I had left to break the command he tried to put on me. Those damn commandments... they're a load of crap." He chuckled softly, though the weariness in his voice was unmistakable.

Atlas felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Glad to hear it. Are you hungry? I whipped up some loaded baked potatoes-my special recipe."

Retro's eyes lit up with a hint of hunger. "Yeah, I'm starving. I can smell them from here."

Atlas smiled, gesturing toward the small table. "Alright, let's sit down and eat."

As they settled in, Retro's curiosity got the better of him. "So, what's the deal with you and that phantom? And that book you're always carrying around-I'm curious."

Atlas paused, considering his response. "The book? It's my work journal and a memoir. It can actually split into two separate volumes. As for the phantom... he caused havoc, something I can't quite shake off. It's complicated, hard to explain in words. But if you want to understand, you can read the book. Maybe it'll make more sense that way."

Retro nodded thoughtfully, intrigued by Atlas's words. "I'll hold you to that. But for now, let's eat."

Retro leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I've been meaning to ask about that book, but I always dismissed it as just a regular journal. I didn't realize it was something more important."

Atlas nodded, understanding Retro's initial assumption. "Most people wouldn't notice anything special about it unless they were archivists. We have access to powerful resources, and that's why some have hunted me down, trying to get their hands on my archivist badge."

Retro's curiosity was piqued. "Oh? What's so special about an archivist badge?"

Atlas leaned in slightly, his voice lowering as he explained. "Archivist badges are unique-they only work with the person who owns them. If someone tries to remove the badge without the owner's permission, it will self-destruct in a massive explosion. We can even set a timer for the explosion."

Atlas reached out, handing Retro the journal. Retro took it, but when he opened it, the pages were blank. Confusion crossed his face as he looked back at Atlas, who couldn't help but chuckle.

"Remember," Atlas said with a grin, "I mentioned you'd need permission to use it."

Retro let out a small sigh of disappointment. "You did say that, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

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