the point after the book

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I laid down in the warm and soft comfort of the bed. The night slowly passed us by, sounds of howling and whispers of the forest spirits filled the air as I tried to sleep.  Day breaks and I wake to see Atlas sitting there questioning something. Almost like he was in deep thoughts.

Atlas had pondered on what was going on with his relics. They flashed with light all except the one given by Rane. As he watched he noticed that it could be the relics system had been overclocked by someone except couldn't access the system within the relic of transfiguration as only Rane possesses the ability to configure the System Atlas questioned how someone could have accessed them without marking a sound of sorts Atlas tries to disable the relics using his transfiguration relic and he succeeded and now the relics aren't blinking.

Atlas still wondering who broke into the cabin and overclocked his relics if they weren't out of overclock there would be an elemental explosion from the relics Atlas puts his relics back in his messenger bag with two fancy symbols one of a star in a circle with two rings and the moon cycle around it and the other of a purple sigil the same on the back of his suit.

  (Retro) Hey there kiddo, it looks like I overslept. Did I miss anything while I was out.
  (Atlas) not really, just some of my relics didn’t seem to work properly.

  (Retro) your relics?

  (Atlas) Oh right I never explained relics, did I plus you have never seen one before, have you?
“as I pull out one of my relics of ice which is in the form of an hourglass within a ball”

  (Retro) this looks like an hourglass but I will guess something to do with time right? “As Retro said with curiosity”

(Atlas) No, it isn't if you look closely at the inside of the hourglass it's filled with snow instead of sand “Atlas puts the ball into his glove and uses the relic to conjure some ice blades”

(Retro) that's pretty useful and nifty.

(Atlas) It is but it could always backfire as I can only use one relic at a time for now till I gain a bit more proficiency with using more

  (Retro) how many can you use at once?

(Atlas) well my body can handle about 3 but only one can be fully utilized the others can be used as a more of combination say I combine both earth and water I get mud or fire and earth I obtain lava

  (Retro) that's nice. Maybe if you have a thunder relic or if you have something to combine to make one that will be nuts.

(Atlas) Thunder relics are given by Zeus but his trials are a bit of a doozy too, but mostly overall you can always dodge thunder as it can be manipulated by metals like copper and more.

  (Retro) not bad I wonder if I can get relics or maybe they are only for certain people?

(Atlas) Relics can be obtained by anyone. Really but you have to past trials relating to each relic ability

  (Retro) you got me curious now kiddo.

(Atlas) I have a question for you now Retro.

  (Retro) Hit me with it.

(Atlas) Do I remind you of someone?

  (Retro) um… now that you mentioned it.. you remind me of an old friend from my world who was half redwood fox and human. He mainly just used his powers and spells to fight and help the weak.. I believe his name was… ah I remember now. Aryan. His name was Aryan. He was like a son to me but sadly he met his end a long time ago.

(Atlas) Oh, I'm sorry, retro. I didn't mean to remind you of your dead friend.

  (Retro) your fine kiddo, that was over 2,000 years ago for me.

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