Still rocking to the music I peered out of the dance room to the section i was previously in and my eyes instantly met Novas.

She was standing in the middle of the floor keeping her gaze on me. And as she continued to stare the dancing died down and I think people were starting to notice Nova.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry." I said to the mysterious woman and started to walk out, I pushed through the few people continuing to dance until I made my way out of the dance section entirely. And as soon as I did I noticed Nova was gone.

I walked over to the bartender from earlier and sat down on the stool once again.

"Can I have two shots of anything again please?" I asked, getting comfortable in the stool.

"Yes but I was informed to not give you anything else after these 2." She said while grabbing 2 shot glasses.

I instantly furrowed my brows, "What why?"

"Not sure, I was just given the order." She said pouring the mystery liquid into the first glass.

It had to be Nova.

Soon enough the bartender gave me my last 2 shots and I quickly drank them, setting them back on the table as i held my head in my hands.

I was so going to regret this in the morning.

I was way past tipsy at this point.

I stared at the bar counter trying to regain my composure as my vision started becoming blurry.

After recollecting my thoughts, my mind quickly went back to Nova, I wonder where she went. She was probably out somewhere with her girlfriend. I rolled my eyes just thinking about them together.

"You left pretty fast earlier." The familiar voice said to me.

I turned around and saw the man who was talking to me at the bar earlier. I internally sighed as I mustered up the strength to respond.

"Yeah." I said turning back in front of me trying to ignore the fact that he's here. My body instantly jolted as I felt his hand grab my exposed thigh.

"Who are you here with?" He asked turning his stool to face me. My mind was running on one frame per second right now.

"...What?" I asked him as my voice grew weak, I hated feeling like this.

"Im sorry, I actually should of asked who you wanted to leave with." He said slowly trailing his hand up my thigh.

My blood instantly ran cold knowing that no one was here to save me this time. Without any explanation I stood up from the stool and began walking toward somebody in the crowd, Noah said anyone will tell me where section 1C is, i was just hoping i could get there fast enough.

I wasnt able to get three steps away from the bar before he roughly grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"You never answered my question." He said pulling me closer and leaning down into my ear.

I watched as he was suddenly jerked away from me, and fell onto the wood floor. I was completely confused as to what happened until I saw Nova enter my field of view.

"Mariah are you oka-"

"What the fuck is your problem?" The man said as he was rising back onto his feet.

"Lets get you out of here okay?" Nova said, grabbing my hand and beginning to lead me out of the section we were in.

Her hand was quickly yanked from mine and I turned my head. The guy grabbed Nova by her shoulders and pushed her against the wall.

The Waitress (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now