Ch 14: The End is Here

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Instead of doing the "Sick" chapter I'm just gonna head ahead into the final episode of Season 1, Maddie will be sick for this chapter but not so much! I'll explain what I'm doing for Season 2 at the end

Madison's POV....

Today, MK and I are coming back from training right now, MK's driving because Persephone and Monkey King said that I probably got sick from Macaque which literally was a few days ago! We head to Pigsy's Noodles and get off the Tuk-Tuk, "Hey-yo! Guess who's back from their training with Monkey King and Persephone?" I touch his shoulder and I point up to see tons of Bull Clones with glowing blue eyes, one of them jumps down and lots more start to attack us but a truck stops them, it turns out that Mei, Sandy, Mo, Pigsy and Tang were in the truck, "Guys! Ooh-ho-ho! You look so awesome!" I nod agreeing with MK, "Yeah. So, uh....some stuff happened while you guys were away. Got kind of intense." I look around. When did Megapolis get "But I left you with one of my boys!"

"Oh, he's been super useful." Tang moves and I see an MK clone, "I don't know what to tell you, guy." And he disappears leaving tons of hair, "So what happened here?" I ask, "Well, you guys left-" Tang clears his throat, "If you'll allow me? Hmm." Mei groans and I pat her shoulder, "Well. After you left, the Bull Clones attacked. But they were different. But more powerful than before. We believe it's all tied back to the Demon Bull King himself. MK...Maddie....He's conquered everything." Oh god that whole story sounded awful, "Where is he? Where's DBK?" MK's acting serious, "We're not sure. But there's pretty scary noises coming from the mountain." "Of course it's a f-f- aah-ahh!- achoo!" I sneeze and I'm suddenly in the star dress for Gemini ( "Woah Maddie! Are you...sick?" Pigsy asked me and I nodded, "Yeah it's pretty normal for someone like me to be sick a lot." Anyways after explaining to all of them, we all get in the truck and drive towards the mountain.

After arriving at the mountain we stop in front of the Do Not Enter sign, "All right, what's the plan?" "Uh....I don't know? We were just gonna...wing it?" Pigsy really needs to have a bigger truck, "Sounds great, let's go!" "Yeah!" I'm hurting my entire body right now, "What? No. I didn't mean you guys, too!" I stand up, "MK's right, DBK is too powerful for all of us to fight." MK nods in agreement, "You guys thought you were going without us?" Tang said, "MK, Maddie we get it. You're the Monkie and Demon Kid, ha. It's your jobs to go fight the bad guys." "But we're your team, little guys! It's our job to get you guys there!" Aww, "No matter what." Aww! That was so sweet! Pigsy drives us into the mountain and the truck wiggles a little, "Look! There! DBK's throne room. It's got to be down...there!" I see Red Son's vehicle run into us.

Sandy grabs me, MK and Mei and puts us on his shoulders, I hear Tang scream and we fall but Sandy puts us on his shoulders and starts running, "Go Sandy, go!" Another vehicle runs into us and Sandy punches, Mei, MK and I look back and see Sandy give a thumbs up and tons of Bull Clones above him, "Come on, MK, Maddie! Let's go!" We fall into the mountain and I forgot that we might die, "Aah!" We scream and Mei stabs her sword to the wall while MK grabs on her leg and I grab onto his, "Now what?" I ask, "So, about getting down...If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do the same?" She chuckles a little bit and I look up to see tons of Bull Clones, "Uhh...Mei?" "Mei look." She looks up and see the Bull Clones too, "What are we gonna do?" MK whispers as I grab tightly on his leg, I hear Mei's phone ring and she answers it, I see her next to me meaning that she let go of the sword!

"Ah-Ahh-Achoo!" I sneeze and I feel the sword in my hand and MK in my other, "Seriously, a phone update now?" "Mei!" I scream trying to get her to focus, "Yeah! Now's a great time to download the latest version of Monkey Mech-" Wait a minute, "Monkey Mech!" We shout, I grab MK's hand and begin to sway back and forth from the sword, "Here...Comes...Monkie and Demon Kid!" I stab my keys and MK stabbed his staff on the wall and it exploded turning into one big mech again, "Let's do this!" We all yell and MK turns around, "No. You hold off the zombie bull clones. Me and Maddie will get down and finish this." "I've always dreamed of piloting a killer mech!" Mei looks so happy, "Good luck Mei." She starts messing with the buttons, "Actually, now that you mention it...Maybe I should take the mech." "No you're not." Mei presses a button and the trapdoor opens and we fall out and land next to DBK, "Ow! I broke a rib!" I yell, "Noodle Twins?" "The little thieves." I stand up and so does MK but something crack, "Give me a minute...." He falls again and I pat his back, "You wanna maybe go to a doctor after this?" "Probably." I snicker a little, "Hoo! Okay. I think I'm ready to fight now. Let's go." I look at DBK and his eyes glow blue, "Sun Wukong! Kore! Come to lock me away again? I'll crush you where you stand!" Who the heck do we look like? "Kore? Wukong? Eh....I think you got he wrong people! Are you feeling okay, man?"

MK was about to pick up the staff but DBK ran towards us, "Uh-oh!" DBK starts punching the floor and we dodge him but unfortunately we end up right in front of him, "Ah-Aah-Achoo!" I sneeze and we end up next to PIF, "The canisters. The power inside has driven him mad. We need to destroy them." I look at the canisters and they have bones in them, gross. Wait how can I see this?! D.B.K. runs at us, "Okay. Time for round two....." I say but RedSon steps in front of me, "No! This time, we fight with you." RedSon runs to D.B.K., "You'll only have one shot....So make it count." PIF runs along too and RedSon and PIF start fighting D.B.K. "You will meet your fate together!" D.B.K. starts to scream and MK grabs me so we can get away, "M! I got a plan." He's getting a plan now, "What is it?" MK whispers the plan to me and I nod, "Sounds great."

MK pulls his hair out and a clone appears, I teleport us to the other side and MK grabs some rocks to throw at D.B.K, he turns to us when MK throws the first one. "Yeah, We got more rocks where that one came from!" I facepalm, god, DBK slams us to the wall with his hand, "You have been an utter disappointment. I had hoped you two would have learnt more of the "great sage and princess's" little tricks." I look at MK and teleport myself out of DBK's hold, "I don't know what to tell you, dude. No! Wait..." He squeezed his finger over the MK clone and he disappears, "What? A copy?" I teleport next to MK, "Yeah, turns out we did learn some tricks." He summons more clones and I touch one of his clones, I notice clones of myself appear too, "Cool." I mumble.

"Here...comes....Monkie and Demon Kids!" We shout and we all attack D.B.K, I sneeze, "Ah-Aah-Achoo!" The canisters falls off D.B.K. and the mountain starts to shakes, MK starts dodging the rocks and I look at D.B.K. it looks like he returning back to normal since his eyes aren't blue anymore, "What....What happened?" PIF walks up to him, "Mother!" She smiles at D.B.K. and puts her forehead to his, "You came back to me." PIF starts a gust a wind and RedSon looks at the canisters which were behind me, I wave at him and him turns away. "Weirdo" "You can't just....Ugh! Again? Really!" A rock almost crushes MK and he moves out the way, "Maddie! Watch out!" He yells and I turn around to see a rock about to crush but something stops it, "Ah-Aah-Achoo!" I teleport to MK and see our mech robot which is being controlled by Mei, "Mei!" We yell, I'm so glad she's here!

"Let's get out of here, ya guys!" Again glad she's here, "Madison if you'll do the honors." MK said to me, "Ah-Aah-Achoo!" I sneeze and we're all in the mech outside of the mountain, eating some noodles Pigsy made for us, "Well, you did it, kids." "You beat D.B.K.! Again!" I smile but why does it feel like we didn't, like those canisters were the only reason we couldn't defeat him even if we try, "You know, I'm not sure we did. Whatever was powering him up, it made him....different." I tell them, "But, we won, right?" Mei told me, "I'm sure it's fine. You were done with this, hmmm?" Tang tries to take Pigsy's food, "Hey! Get your mitts of my bowl, Tang!" We all laugh at this, I don't want anything to change right now.

(A/N: The End of Season 1! Now on to Season 2, for this season MK and Madison are gonna have more episodes where their personalities change and some episodes will have Madison saving the day or being the main character. Sorry if anyone doesn't like the changer for this. Also, when MK and Madison do meet LDB, Madison will go through a lot more visions and stuff than MK since she put the key to her head and etc, but Madison does have a new design!

Next Up, "Charater Profile: Madison Season 2" and "Revenge of the Spider Queen: Part 1!" Have a good day/night and remember to always smile!😊

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