Ch 12: Skelton Key

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Madison's POV...

Today the Mayor was giving me and MK at key for saving the world over and over again, we were found it at Pigsy's Noodles, "Thank you for this amazing turnout!" "Woohoo! Let's hear it for Monkie and Demon Kids! Heroes of the city!" Mei yelled since she, Tang and Pigsy were the only ones there, "As Mayor, I hereby give Monkie and Demon Kids the key to our fair city." I grab the key and something happens, "Here." I give to MK and it looks like he's going through the same thing I went through because his eyes turn blue for a little,  "Um....uh, what does this key do, exactly?" I nod agreeing with him, "Oh. You two will live this. It has the power to open anything." Mei runs to him, "Ooh, anything? Like a pet shop full of puppies?" "Yes! Or the door to a lion's cage. Or an orphans's piggy bank. An imprisoned mystic power source. Or whatever you like! Today, you two can do no wrong. You've got my permission. 'Cause I'm the mayor."

He laughs and disappears, "Huh? I'm starting to think...that's maybe not the mayor." "Lemme see the key again." I feel the key in my hand and look at it, "Wow. A key that can open anything." We all look at each other excited. I think we all know what to do! We head outside and I point the key and it starts glowing making all these doors appear, "You guys ready for this?" MK grabs our hands we fall to the anti-gravity arcade, "Ha!" Mei and MK start playing a game but I'm the next level was locked, I give the key to MK and it changes so it can unlock to the next level, they won! And got tons of tickets too! "Yes! Yes. Yes. Yes!" "Woohoo! Yeah!" I grab the key and we leave the arcade to go to a puppy truck, I open it and all types of animals come out but there's a tiger, "Ahhh!"

We but new shoes! MK's being the DJ while me and Mei dance! We head to The Weather Station! And did the race track again! Did some claw games! Got tons of ice cream! Bowling! Also tons of people were taking our picture! I look at the key, "What if?" I point it to my head and it's really scary, MK takes it from me, "I'm gonna take this before you do something stupid with it." Why is he talking like me? "Too late, bruh." I respond before looking at Mei and grabbing the key again,  "Mei! MK! Okay. Hear me out. We knew the key could magically unlock anything. But can also magically lock anything too!" "You've literally just described all keys." Mei points it out and she's right, "Stupid." MK said

"Sure, yeah, fine! But do you guys know what this means? Having this key, this's so much responsibility. But I know what we need to do." Time for some pranks on Pigsy!

At Pigsy's Noodles~~

I lock the inside of Pigsy's Noodles and teleport above where Mei and MK are, "Let the prank begin." MK says with a devious smirk and we wait for him to come, I hear him humming and try to open the door, "What the...?" The door wiggles and I hear something crack, "Oh my back!" I hear the back door bang, "Let me in. Let me in! Who's in there! Let me into my noodle store!" He yells out and we all start laughing, "Ah, I wish we had this key all the time. I don't think I've had this much!" I tell them because it's true! The regular stuff that happens every day is pretty normal now. Some fire appears from MK's house and we fall off the balcony, "Noodles Twins! Finally!" Oh great it's Red Son, "What are you doing in MK's house?" "You better not have touched my stuff!" "Yeah! Only me and Mei are allowed too!"

"Do you know how long I've been waiting here for you? Your house is...depressing! I almost feel bad taking things from you. But....I am going to need that magic key." He uses some fire magic and picks up the key, we try to stop him but we can't, "Ee-Yoink! So long, Noodle Twins!" He drives away in his car, "Oh no! The key!" MK yells and Mei whistles summoning her White Dragon Horse Motorcycle and drives away, "Wait...for us..."No, Mei, it's all good. We definitely don't want a ride. It's totally fine." I mumble, I still can't believe she left us, MK takes out his staff and smirks, "What?" "You know you can just summon your motorcycle from 2 chapters before, right?" Oh dang he's right, "Damn you really are me, huh?" I snap my hand and my purple motorcycle appears, "Get on man!" He sits behind me and I drive to catch up with Mei and Red Son.

"There they are!" MK points to them in front us, but then I can't move, "Uh..." I turn around and I see the Staff stabbed itself to the ground and it suddenly leaps us, "Aah! We scream and I make my motorcycle smaller, "Watch out!" I yell before the couple below us got hit the staff lands in the ground and we fly off again, "Sorry!" We both yell, and see Mei and Red Son, MK slams the staff on Red Son and the key falls out his pocket, I pick it up, "So. Looks like you've reached the end of the line, Red Son." MK said, "What the hell were you gonna do with this thing anyway?" "Why spoil the surprise?" I look up and PIF on the roof, "Now hand the key over and quit wasting my time." I take the Aries key out and transform, "Star Dress: Aries!" I mumble.

I look at Mei and MK before we all nod and attack PIF unfortunately she's faster than us, "Wool Magic!" I yell trying to trap her in my wool but she just slices it and kicks me back to the wall, I see the Key fall from my pocket, "Come, Red Son. We have things to do." "Thanks for the keys, Losers!" They disappear, "Did they get away with the key?" I fall to the floor and get up to see Mei and MK get up from the rubble, "Yeah...But what I can't figure out is...why?" "A key that can open any door is incredibly dangerous. We have to keep our guard up." MK says, okay now I'm worried for what's gonna happen now.

Later~~~3rd Person's PoV

Madison is sitting at her desk right now, working on her computer right now when a tap on the window happens, she turns around and sees MK there, "It's open." She said and MK comes inside, "Hey, Maddie. Have I ever told you how much I love your hair:" Madison looks confused, "Seriously? If you need a place to stay then fine. Yes. You can stay." MK smiles and runs up to her, "Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Madison smiles and hugs him back, "But wait. Where am I gonna stay?" MK asked noticing that just like his house Madison had only one bedroom, "Don't worry, I got another room you can use." Madison gets up from her seat and leads MK to the room, "I haven't used it since I moved in but there's barely any dust or anything so you can stay here."

MK looks shocked by the room, "Woah! It's...." He's shocked by how big the room is and doesn't want to upset Madison, who's chuckling at his reaction, "It's fine but you should get relaxing, remember we gotta go train with Monkeey King and Persephone tomorrow?" MK looks away and doesn't answer, "You forgot didn't you?" Madison glares at him with a smile on her face, trying not to seem that evil but he shake his head, "No, no. I remember just wanted to see if you remembered." MK smirks at Madison who playfully rolls her eyes before leaving, "I'll make us some dinner. You do whatever you want okay?" MK nods and Madison leaves.

MK looks around trying to see if he can 'MK up' the room, he changes the bed, changes the upstairs and opened a drawer, "What the....." MK looks at the drawer and notices a photo album, he picks it up and the title says "Madison's Childhood."  He opens it up and sees tons of photos of younger Madison and her dad, "Aww! Maddie's so cute." He looks at more photos but one photo look different than the rest: It showed a young Maddie in a black cloak on stage. Along the photo is some writing that says, "To my favorite student, I'll see you again."  MK looks confused and he took out the photo, "What?" The photo doesn't have anything else added on and MK becomes curious, just when did this happen? And who wrote on this photo? Before he could flip to another page, a knock was heard putside his room, "MK, you done?" "Aah!" He screams and throws the photo album under the bed, "Yeah, just fluffing a pillow."

"Well dinners done so come out when you're ready." MK looks at the photo and folds it before running to the door, "Well I'm ready." Madison smiles and walks away tot eh kitchen while MK sighs a breath of relief, "Okay, MK, just don't tell Maddie anything about the photo you saw." He whispers to himself before sitting at the dinner table with her, unbeknownst to them both, outside of the house was Persephone and Monkey King, "They make such a cute couple. Don't they Wukong?" Persephone asked the bird next to her, "They sure do." Monkey King said and he flew back to Flower Fruit Mountain, along with Persephone who turned into a blue jay.

(A/N: These chapters are being more and more quick every time and now we're finally gonna meet Macaque! Just to warn anyone, Macaque is gonna have a personality change towards Madison being more nicer and kinder to her, but he'll still be the same like always. Have a good day/night and remember to always smile 😊!)

Power of a Demon- Lego Monkie Kid x Greek Goddess OC Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat