Ch 19: Sleep Bug

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Madison's POV...

I was watching Pigsy yell at Tang again why not? I was supposed to join MK at Flower Fruit Mountain but I thought why not wait? MK can tell me when he gets back, my phone ringed and I looked up, "Sleep Bug?" I hear Mei mumbled, "Think I could beat you in it?" I say to her, "You're on!" We both download the game but my eyes felt heavy, "Why am I getting sleepy?" I thought to myself before closing my eyes.

MK's POV...

Monkey King and Persephone called me and Maddie to Flower Fruit Mountain because they had something important to tell us but instead it was just me, Maddie didn't want to come over. When I got there all I found were suitcases being filled up, "What do you mean "vacation"? I asked and my phone buzzed, I picked it up and it was a new app, "Sleep Bug! Download it now from the Nap Store." I threw my phone away, "Aw, come on, buds. Me and Persephone promised each other when we found successors, we'd go see some friends, take a tour of my old stomping grounds. Just cut loose, you know." Monkey King threw some more stuff in his suitcase, "Ooh, gonna need these!" He said as he wore some sunglasses.

"But...but you guys can't just leave! What if someone attacks the city?" I stand up, "What if the Spider Queen comes back?" I said freaking out, "Aw, you'll figure it out! It's adorable how nervous you are." A crash was heard from Monkey King's house and three suitcases then crashed near Monkey King, "Sorry! I'm thinking I overpacked a little." Persephone said wearing some sunglasses, "A little?" Monkey King said as he kicked one of the suitcases and it had too much stuff inside, we both raise an eyebrow at Persephone who chuckled nervously. "Anyway, Wukong is right, don't be nervous! You guys have come a long way." Persephone playfully pushed me, "And you know. "The next step of your journey you must do alone." Monkey King said posing.

"Alone?" I say, "But don't worry! We'll check-in. Give you some training tools, some remote lessons...Ah, we'll figure it out." Monkey King said as he and Persephone jumped on his cloud, "You two will be great! Don't worry! Monkey King and Persephone out!" They both say before leaving, "Fine, then just leave! At least our friends will never abandon us!" I yell.


I park the Tuk-Tuk and walk inside the shop, "Can you believe Monkey King and Persephone just—" I gasped once I noticed no one was here, 'My friends abandoned me!' I thought to myself and saw Mei sleeping on the floor, "Oh, thank goodness." I shake her but she doesn't wake up, I go to Mr. Tang and he doesn't wake up either, "Mei! Tang! Pigsy?" I say and none of them wake up, "Okay, okay. Everyone is asleep and Monkey King and Persephone are gone, it's just me and my thoughts." I said and fell to the floor and curled into a ball, I look up and see Maddie asleep with her hair in her face, I stand up and stare at her, 'She's so pretty.' I thought as I move some hair from her face and kissed her lips.

I pulled back and blushed, "I can't believe I did that!" I scream and none of my friends woke up.

Madison's POV (In her dream)

"Melonie!" A voice said and I wake up in the grass, "What the?" I mumble to myself and see a woman with red wild hair walking up to me, "Persephone?" I say and she picks me up with a concerned look, "Why did you run away? We've been looking for you everywhere!" I look down, "I'm sorry, Mom." I say to her, 'Did I just call my mentor 'Mom? That was weird.' "Brothers! Master! Kore found her!" I turn to see Monkey King in a different outfit having a golden circlet on his head, three more people came and a white horse, 'Pigsy? Sandy? Tang?' I think to myself and look at the horse, 'Wasn't there a horse in Mei's house last time I visited? Maybe this is her ancestor."

"Kore, it's a possibility but maybe it's time for Melinoe to be with her father. She'll keep slowing us down every time she runs away." Persephone flinched at Tang's words and held me tightly, "Sorry Master, but I'm going against your wish, I wanna protect Melinoe before the journey is over." I see a tear go down her cheek, "Please Master, just for a little while. I promise that if Melinoe runs away one for time, I'll send her there." She looked at them with more tears coming down her face and I didn't hesitate to give her a hug, Monkey King walked up to us and hugged her too, "It's gonna be okay." I hear him whisper to her.

The hug stopped and Persephone smiles again, I look at Tang as he has a worried look on his face and gets off the horse, he walks towards us and smiles, "I trust you Kore, just like you, your daughter is ambitious but can be taught." He looked at me with a small smile. 'Did Persephone give birth to Mom?' I always knew the name Melinoe came from somewhere but what? Dad never told me anything about it. I look at Tang, "Let's continue on the journey, okay?" I say to him and he nods, "Melinoe is right. Come along then." Tang walked back to the horse and got on.

Persephone looked at me and smiled, "You heard him, ladies. Let's move!" Monkey King summoned his cloud and the three of us were now sitting on it, I yawn a little and leaned on Persephone as I close my eyes.

End of Dream

3rd Person's POV...

Everyone started to wake up, not remembering anything that happened, not realizing the Sleep Bug app disappeared from their phones. Pigsy woke up and his eyes were wide opened when he turned around and saw he was in a shopping cart and was about to crash into a wall.

At Pigsy's Noodles...

"And even though I was all alone and I had been completely abandoned by everyone, I used my brain and saved the whole city! I did great, and there were no negative consequences at all!" MK explained as Pigsy was in a cast while Tang and Mei just glared at MK, "Good job, bub." Madison froze, "Great, now I sound like Monkey King." She chuckled and MK stared at her before turning away with his face red, Madison raised an eyebrow confused at this.

(A/N: This was a quick chapter! Hope everyone liked this little dream Maddie had about the past, I'm gonna skip at least one episode, probably "72 Transformations" because I don't know how to add Maddie in that one since she'll be with the gang in that one. Have a good day/night and remember to always smile 😊!)

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