Ch 20: Dumpling Destruction

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Madison's POV...

"Mei, would you-Hey! Cut it out! At least get my good side! No!" I laugh while cleaning the windows as Mei keeps taking photos of me and MK, I look at MK and his eyes were golden, "Monkey King?" He said 'Monkey King must be trying to talk to him.' I say to myself watching MK do some dance, "Dead? Wh-what? What's happening to me? Is this what dying is like? I heard that!" He yells and Pigsy gives me a 'What is he talking about?' Look and I shrugged, "What is that?" A woman shouts.

We run outside and see a giant dumpling? "Is that" "A giant dumpling?" Pigsy asked, I noticed Mr. Tang drooling at it and I sigh, "As delicious as it is...terrifying!" I look at MK, "What? How am I supposed to do that?" He asked, "Wait, but I—" I tilt my head.

3rd Person's POV....

SWK ends the message and turns around with a serious face on, "Now, where were we?" Kore jumps down with a crazed look, behind them were gods with their eyes closed and a hole through their stomachs while in front of SWK and Kore was another god holding chopsticks and a hole through his stomach, "Oh, yeah. I think you were gonna tell us a little something about this...Right?"SWK pulls out a scroll containing the Lady Bone Demon, "And do yourself a favor. Don't drop anymore food."

Madison's POV...

MK pulls us in for a group huddle, "All right. This will undoubtedly be our most perilous mission of all time. A journey to the room where Monkey King keeps all his junk to find something to stop a Celestial Dumpling from destroying the world." I nod at MK's drawings, "And there's only one person with the smarts, the bravery, and the heroically awesome hair to be me and Maddie's wing-man on this mission of certain death."  I wonder who it is? "I mean, it's me, right?" MK throws MK aside, "Well, I mean obviously."

"You're kidding, right?" Pigsy asked, "I kid you not, my sweet, sweet, Pigsy!" MK grabs me to pose with him and Mr. Tang, "Mr. Tang, Maddie and I are the experts on Monkey King. So, yeah. This makes sense." I sigh again, "MK, this is obviously a mission for just the three of us!" "Yeah! What the heck is Mr. Tang gonna do?" I yell, "I even got a sweet new jet!" MK gives me the 'Make a portal' look and I just create one so I, MK and Tang walk through it.

Tang falls out the portal and gets up, "You really should have picked Mei." I tell MK, "But Mr. Tang can help us figure us what we need to stop the dumpling." Mr. Tang was walking along and we both follow him, "You know, I'm thinking that we should have brought Mei-" I say again, "Oh, pfft! Don't be silly! Who else would know the difference between The Legendary Trishula and your average Nine Dragon trident! Come now! Onward to the peak of Mount Huaguo!" Tang laughs before pointing to the top of the mountain, I facepalm and MK grabs my hand, "That's where Monkey King's cave is, by the way." He starts laughing again.

A few minutes later...

"You sure I can't teleport you guys?" I ask to Tang who shakes his head as MK continues to walk the stairs with Tang on his back, apparently Tang said that his legs were hurting and wanted MK to pick him up, even though we could've teleported here like 5 minutes ago. Soon we made it to the top of the stairs, "Why, thank you, my young friend. I thought we were down for back there when my weak ankles began to give me trouble!" I facepalm again when Tang fakes his ankle injury, "Yeah. At the bottom of the steps." MK yells, "Well, childhood injuries do pick rather convenient times to flair up again, do they not?" He gets off MK and we get over to the waterfall.

I playfully jump on the steps and wave at the monkeys, I stop once MK stops, "Whoa....Shuilian Cave. That's the name of the Monkey King's ca-" "Yeah, we know." I yell and suddenly Tang gets thrown back into us. I get back up and shake the water out my hair, "Ah...yes. I thought that might happen." I facepalm again, "Only the Monkey King can get through the magical barrier. But also me. Because, I'm the Monkie Kid!" MK gets up and the barrier opens, Tang gets a smug look and walks inside.

In The Cave...

Tang looks amazed by everything and I roll my eyes, "So, what do you think we should be looking for? Like a magic crossbow or a cannon or—" "A vase." I raise my eyes, "Say what?" I asked him, "That dumpling looks to be more of a Guan Tang Jiao. Meaning it is potentially filled with some kind of delicious soup. Simply blasting it won't do." "And a vase is going to" MK asked, "Legends say, Monkey King sought help from Persephone's friends Guanyin to defeat a demon, I don't remember the name of. She used a vase that contained pure water. Enough to flood a whole mountain range. It seems logical that we should use that to suck up the soup and save the world from third-degree burns!"

It seems like a logical explanation of saving the world, "Sounds good enough to me." "Same here." I say, "We can probably find that with all Monkey King's other junk. Behind this giant door, we have never even noticed before." I look and there was a huge door in front of us, Tang tried to open it but again it blocked access to him, "SMH." I mumble and MK opens the door. When he opened it, there was more stuff, Tang starts running around, "That's the Legendary Demon Revealing Mirror! And the Fire Tipped Spear! And...Monkey Cop Limited Edition 1982 action figures!"

I look up to see Tang holding tons of boxes, "This could take a while." He said to us, "Yeah. Well, we don't have a while so get digging!" MK then jumped into a pile of stuff and I start searching for the vase, "Where could it be?" I mumble to myself, I hear screaming and see MK fighting one of Spider Henchmen, and something in crashes. I teleport to MK snd pick him up, "MK! Maddie! I can't find the vase anywhere!" "What?!" I yell at Tang, "Do I have to do everything?" He used his golden vision.

"There! That crate is full of them!" He yells, pointing to a box near Tang, "Why didn't you do that sooner?" Tang asked him, "Because I forgot I could, okay?" He yells and I turn around to see the Spider Henchmen coming towards us, "Shoot." I say before we got hurt, I took out my sword and Huntsmen threw one at me, I used my sword hitting them back along with MK, one was about to hit Tang but MK pushed him out the way before they could, "I can smell your fear, boy." I see MK fly into the air and land back down, "It's my conditioner." I raise an eyebrow and run up to them.

I got hit by MK and Huntsmen and used my sword to block Huntsmen who grabs it and tries to break it, "Tang! Hurry!" We both yell, "Time is running out, little chimps!" I grip my sword tight, "You know if we don't stop that dumpling, you die too, right?" MK said and Huntsmen looked confused. Suddenly something blasted near us and I look to see Tang hold a machine that turned back into a sword, "Yeah! And there is more where that came from. Now, get out of here and let us save the world!" He yells, "You know, you've got a point. How about a truce, just this one time?"

"What?!" We all yell, "What kind of villain are you?" "Let us fight you!" I yell, "The kind who's got bigger plans than getting boiled to death by the dumpling soup." He shoots a web, "Until next time, Monkie Boy and Demon Girl." I put my sword away, "Hey! He's a Monkie Man! And She's a Demon Woman!" I smile at Tang's compliment, "This is the greatest team up ever. That thing is awesome! We should use that to blast the dumpling into bits!" MK yells, "That could come in handy whenever we need help." I mention and Tang throws it away, "Anyway, did you find the vase?" I ask, "Oh yeah, right, the soup." I hear MK say and Tang picks one up.

"This is it! The legendary vase which will save the—-No, wait. Hold on." He picks up a different one, "Yeah, that's it. That's the guy." "Then, let's go! Maddie?" He turns to me and I make a portal for us to walk into.

Back at Pigsy's Noodles....

We walked out the portal, "Guys!" Mei and Pigsy turn to us, "Did you find something to stop this thing?" Pigsy asked us, "Sure! I mean....maybe?" MK looks at us and I shrug, "Okay, Tang. The vase!" "Vase? Why didn't you grab a magic crossbow or a cannon or—" We all start trying to explain to Mei but we started laughing because we said everything at the exact same time. "Would you morons, hurry up?" Pigsy yells at us and we all open the vase which sucks up the dumpling. "So...Did it wor—" The dumpling explodes everywhere.


"Sometimes, all you can do is your best." "We probably should have grabbed a few more vases." Tang said, "Probably." I agreed with him.

(A/N: Sorry, I haven't been writing for a while guys, it's been a bad week for me so I haven't had much motivation to write lately, I promise that I'm going to try to update all the books I have. Have a good day/night and remember to always smile! 😀)

Power of a Demon- Lego Monkie Kid x Greek Goddess OC Where stories live. Discover now