With a dry mouth and shaking hands, I brought the blade to my palm. This was the only way, they wanted me. I couldn't let the others bleed for me, this was all me now.

I winced as the blade cut into my palm, drawing a line of crimson. The pain shot through me, but I stifled my cries, focusing on the door. With a trembling hand, I pressed my bleeding palm against the wooden surface, leaving a smeared trail as I slid it down.

My heart raced wildly, anticipating what would come next. Moments stretched into an eternity as I waited, my breaths shallow and rapid. Minutes passed, yet nothing stirred beyond the door. Doubt began to creep in—had my plan failed? Had they already moved on?

Just when I was about to retract my hand, a faint sound reached my ears. Soft footsteps echoed from the corridor outside. My breath caught in my throat as the steps grew closer, each one sending shivers down my spine.

The doorknob twitched, and my heart skipped a beat. I pressed myself against the wall, my grip tightening around the knife.

My eyes widened in shock as the door creaked open further, revealing Askel, staggering into the room trying to push the dresser back. I flung myself back over, pulling the dresser to let him into the room. His usual composed demeanour was replaced by a ghostly pallor, and his breaths came in ragged gasps. Dark stains marred his clothing, and he leaned heavily against the doorframe for support.

"Askel!" I rushed to his side, my hands trembling as I tried to steady him. "What happened? Are you okay?"

Askel struggled to speak, his voice barely a whisper. "They... they're here. The intruders... they are lycans. We couldn't... hold them off."

My heart sank at his words. The ominous feeling that had been gnawing at me suddenly intensified. I glanced back at the window, the flames illuminating the night sky, and then at Askel, his condition worsening by the second. The estate was in flames, and we would burn with it if we didn't leave now. I could smell it now, the smoke wafting throughout the hallways. They were going to burn us out, like rats.

"Why aren't you healing?!", I screamed as scanned his wounds that were oozing crimson with black flecks engraved inside.

"Their claws, they were dipping them in something...", he grunted and hissed as he slumped against the door. A pale look and sweat were coating his face as my mind began to spiral. My hands began to rake through my hair as I mumbled; my voice growing louder and louder, "Fuck. Fuck!".

"Min Dame?", Askel questioned quietly through hazy eyes making me shake my head.

"We have to get you out of here," I said urgently. "Can you walk? We need to find a way to escape."

Askel nodded weakly, his breathing becoming more laboured. With my support, he staggered forward, each step a struggle. He wasn't healing, gashes in his legs and arms; no...claw marks. I kept my mouth shut as we hobbled into the hallway, my ears trying to focus on anything but the roaring flames. The once pristine hallways were now chaotic, debris scattered everywhere, and the distant sounds of destruction echoed through the corridors.

My home...

Suddenly, a guttural growl reverberated from the shadows ahead. I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. Emerging from the darkness, grotesque figures emerged, their forms twisted and inhuman. Their eyes glinted with an otherworldly malevolence, and their movements were unnaturally agile. Lycans, but they seemed to be halfway through their transition. Half beast and half man, twisted with skin and fur.

Askel's grip tightened on my arm, his strength waning. "Run, save yourself."

I could stare into his eyes, tears pooling in both of ours as we weren't ready to die. I couldn't, not yet. My mind raced with fear and desperation. I glanced around, searching for an escape route, but the creatures were closing in, their ghastly forms blocking every path.

Near Death Experience (18+) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now