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In the quiet aftermath of the revelation, the world blurred into a surreal mosaic of emotions. I stood in the chamber, senses dulled by the weight of the uncovered truth. Time seemed to slow, each moment elongated into an eternity, a pause during chaos.

Hands grabbed my arm urgently, disrupting the eerie stillness in the chamber. The man's agonized screams echoed, haunting reminders of recent harrowing events. Amidst the commotion, a sudden, jarring silence descended—a disconcerting void cutting through the tumult.

Stumbling forward, my mind clouded by emotions, tears traced silent paths on my cheeks, revealing my silent anguish.

Guiding hands felt distant, their urgency muted by my swirling thoughts. The world felt surreal, distorted by betrayal and heartache. Reality unfolded in fragments, each moment discordant in my shattered world.

Ushered away, the memory of silenced screams lingered. The wrenching silence added to the haunting disquiet. My heart clenched with uncertainty, the abrupt cessation of the man's cries a disconcerting puzzle. I came to the realization it was Elijah leading me out of the dungeon, his hands clasped onto mine gently but enough to keep me from falling over. Elijah's guiding touch, firm yet tender, anchored me in the disorienting whirlwind of emotions.

A profound numbness settled a shield against overwhelming emotions. Unnoticed tears flowed amidst the fractured thoughts. In this surreal nightmare, I grappled with the sensation of being adrift.

My voice, a fragile whisper, trembled with confusion and despair. The question echoed, a desperate plea for understanding. "Why would she do it?" The words murmured, carrying the weight of shattered trust. The thought hung in the air, a haunting lamentation.

Uncovered betrayal gnawed at my core, leaving a gaping wound in my relationships. The name Cassandra resonated—a once cherished name now tainted.

Memories clashed against the haunting truth. The unanswered 'why' lingered as a shadow, a riddle in my shattered trust. The torment inflicted a relentless ache, leaving me adrift.

A yearning for closure simmered, a desperate need to comprehend the motives behind the unfathomable act. The quest for understanding propelled me forward, a fragile glimmer of hope.

Elijah led me out, his touch firm yet tender. His presence offered stability amid the chaotic turmoil. My voice, tinged with sorrow, quivered, a haunting plea for answers.

"What are they going to do to her?" The fragile whisper carried dread and apprehension, a lamentation for the betrayer's fate.

Elijah's expression mirrored anguish and helplessness. "I don't know, Adelaide. I don't know," his voice, resigned, echoed my dread.

Piercing screams cut through the silence, a distressing chorus signalling upheaval. The cries resonated with Cassandra's distress. The scene froze me in shock and horror—an ally now a grim spectacle of vulnerability held aloft by a relentless grip.

The heart-wrenching scene unfolded before my eyes, freezing me in a moment of shock and horror. Cassandra, once an ally, now hung suspended in the air, her form contorted in agony, a grim spectacle of vulnerability held aloft by Knox's relentless grip. The sight cut through me like a jagged blade, a stark manifestation of the chaos that had engulfed our world.

Knox, his visage twisted by a ferocity that I had never witnessed before, held Cassandra aloft, his grip on her throat and unyielding vice. The betrayal had etched a chilling determination in his expression, his eyes ablaze with a fierce intensity that reverberated with an unfamiliar rage.

Fredrik, restrained and overpowered by Xander and a contingent of guards, struggled against their unrelenting hold, his attempts at intervention thwarted by the unyielding strength of his captors. His voice, a desperate plea for mercy and reason, echoed futilely in the tumultuous chamber.

Near Death Experience (18+) ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن