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My voice hitched itself when Xander spoke of the door. The door is hidden from me, locked and secure since we have moved into these chambers. Looking back at it, the room always laid an open question whenever I passed it. It was an enigma, a mystery hidden in plain view. Knox's arm held my bare legs, as he reached into his pocket swiftly.

Xander stood watching me from behind, his hands tucked into his pockets as his head tilted watching me like I was prey.

The unexpected creak of the door sent a shiver down my spine, a subtle yet effective trigger for heightened anticipation. Knox, undeterred, continued to advance into the darkness, carrying me on his shoulders. The inky blackness blurred my senses, leaving me disoriented and unable to focus.

"Focus on the candles in the room darling, they surround you", Xander spoke softly as I felt my body being brought forward into Knox's chest; his hands holding my bare arms.

And I did what I was told. At that moment, obedience became my instinct, and I followed Xander's directive. I pictured candles becoming a flame, fire burning deep inside my mind as I flowed with the magic and did not aim for control. The flickering candles became my focal point, their warm glow piercing through the darkness.

The revelation of the well-lit room, illuminated by the soft glow of candles, was nothing short of breathtaking. As my eyes adjusted to the newfound brightness, the surroundings unfolded before me, revealing a scene that defied my imagination.

Luxury and lust seamlessly intertwined, casting a spell that left me in awe. The flickering candlelight danced across opulent furnishings, casting shadows that added an air of mystery to the space. The room itself seemed to breathe indulgence, each element carefully curated to evoke a sense of lavish sensuality.

The ambiance spoke of a deliberate fusion of extravagant tastes and sensual desires as if the room were designed for the meeting of opulence and passion. Rich textures, sumptuous fabrics, and alluring colours converged to create an environment that was both inviting and decadent.

The candles, strategically placed, not only illuminated the physical space but also seemed to ignite a flame within, creating an atmosphere where desire and luxury became inseparable. It was a sensory symphony, with the warm glow of the candles accentuating every detail, every nuance of the carefully arranged surroundings.

The centrepiece of the room, the bed adorned with luscious crimson fabrics, captured the essence of indulgence and desire. The silky texture beckoned, inviting exploration and promising a sensory experience beyond the ordinary. The candlelight, reflecting off the surface of the bed, cast an enchanting glow that heightened the allure of the space.

As my gaze travelled to the walls, a collection of various instruments adorned the space, their purpose shrouded in mystery. The complexity of these instruments left my mind grappling to comprehend their functions. Each one seemed to hold a purpose, an integral part of a design crafted for a specific ritual or moment.

It became apparent that this room was not merely a backdrop; it was a carefully orchestrated setting for a profound and intimate connection. The crimson bed symbolized not only luxury but also the passion that awaited. The walls, with their enigmatic instruments, hinted at rituals and experiences beyond my current understanding.

The realization dawned that this space was designed for the culmination of a bond, a union that transcended the physical realm. It was a chamber of secrets, where the completion of the bond was not only anticipated but meticulously prepared for. Every element, from the bed draped in silk to the cryptic instruments on the walls, spoke of a future filled with lustful moments and profound connections.

Knox's purring voice, filled with satisfaction, reverberated through the room as he posed the question, "Do you like it, Elskling? It was made just for us." His eyes, no doubt reflecting a sense of anticipation, observed my reaction as I absorbed the opulence surrounding us.

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