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My plan was final.

It was going against everything my beloveds had placed out in front of me. It would require a multitude of lying and manipulation, perhaps even slight violence if it came to it but...

I had to do it.

It was simple, too simple at times. The estate had gone back into its routine, however, the halls were quieter and duller as everyone was in their mind now. My 'free will' is being watched, I am now occupied everywhere I go with a guard of Knox's choice. And that was my problem. I had to make it into the dungeons again, out of sight mind you. However, with the whole revolution going on behind the scenes, I haven't seen my beloveds in days.

I could feel them come into the room at night, pressing a longing kiss upon my forehead or cheek while I slept. Their scent lingered in the room as if they were just there, but we haven't spoken since that day. I understand why, I saw differently from Knox and Xander and that pushed us away from each other.

Even if I felt that pull each second we were away. I could only thank the gods that we haven't completed the bond, as I don't believe I could have lasted this long away from them if that.

Anyway, back to my plan.

Cassandra was being held in the dungeons, in a maximum security area being multiple guarded. While Fredrik was basically on house arrest as Knox had deemed him innocent from a loyalty blood test, however, no one trusted that his instincts to protect his beloved would overmatch his loyalty to his brother. Besides, I wasn't technically supposed to see Cassandra for a few more days, my magic has been weak after a few of my outbursts which led to Elijah demanding that the interrogation via Plaetive magic be postponed.


My thoughts went back to Askel's warning, heeding me to stay away from Elijah. But maybe the upirs could sense his blood magic as I did, deeming him untrustworthy from his being. I shook my head, my thoughts becoming paranoid. I already lost Cassandra, perhaps her disloyalty was making me fear everyone else.

A knock broke me from my thoughts, a sly smile gracing my lips as I turned. Right on schedule.

My feet led me to the door, enabling my dramatics as I opened the door with a sluggish face. As the door creaked open, it revealed one of Knox's guards.

"Min dame. I am here to escort you to your breakfast in the dining hall," the guard announced with a courteous bow. Feigning an illness, I replied with a strained smile, "I am actually not feeling quite well. I think I will just stay in my chambers this morning. No need to send breakfast."

"Oh. Yes, of course. I will alert Min herre of your ills," the guard responded, a hint of concern in his voice.

"No need. He already knows," I continued my deceptive charade, meeting the guard's gaze with a carefully composed expression.

The guard looked at me hesitantly, not fully trusting my words. Sensing his doubt, I swiftly added, "I was actually going to call him to my room. Is he here?"

"No, Min dame. Min Herre left this morning with Lord Triuaghe for a meeting with the Norwegian Generals of Oslo," the guard informed me, maintaining a respectful demeanour. I had to hide the smile wanting to stretch my lips apart.


"Oh, that's right. It completely slipped my mind. My brain doesn't work when I feel ill. Anyways, I will be staying here. I will ring if I need anything from Nora in the kitchen," I explained, weaving my web of deceit with practiced finesse.

"Of course, Min Dame. Feel better," the guard responded, expressing genuine concern.

"Thank you," I replied, my tone softening to convey a sense of gratitude. The guard nodded respectfully and retreated, leaving me alone in the doorway to my chambers. With a subtle smirk, I closed the door behind me and returned to the center of the room, my mind working quickly to devise the next steps of my plan.

Near Death Experience (18+) ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt