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        "Franky!" My cries reverberated through the dimly lit streets as I pounded on the weathered wooden tavern door. My pulse raced as I strained to discern any sign of Franky, my eyes scanning the hauntingly quiet night. Adrenaline surged through me, my body tensing with fear. I beseeched through the door, "Franky! Please, open the door!"

Abruptly, approaching footsteps pierced the silence, and I perked up, my heart quickening with anticipation. "Franky, it is Adelaide!" I proclaimed, rapping on the door with heightened urgency. My voice resonated louder and more desperate, fervently hoping for his acknowledgement and entry.

As the door slowly creaked open, I saw Franky standing there, his eyes widened in astonishment. He recoiled, staring at me as though encountering an apparition, his mouth agape. His countenance betrayed surprise and bewilderment, struggling to fathom my unexpected presence in the dead of night. With an imploring gaze, I prompted him, and finally, he regained composure, swiftly unlatching the door to grant me access. I hastened into the shelter of the tavern, my heart still pounding. "Lass? Thank the heavens," Franky exclaimed, gazing at me, still bemused by my unanticipated arrival.

"Lock it, quickly," I weakly demanded as he hastened to secure the door. Gradually, I sank into a nearby chair, my breaths labouring in short, uneven gasps. Sensing my heart rate gradually slowing, I allowed my mind to absorb the recent events while taking in the surroundings. Franky gazed at me, tears welling in his eyes, his expression a fusion of astonishment, bewilderment, and relief. Emotion widened his eyes, and even in the dimness, his tender regard was palpable. After a brief moment of scrutiny, he averted his gaze abruptly, wiping his eyes and attempting to regain composure. In a subdued tone, he murmured, "What happened to you? I thought you were dead!"

"I assure you, I'm unharmed," I murmured softly before rising and heading behind the bar. Seizing a glass, I began to pour a generous measure of inexpensive whiskey, swiftly consuming it in one swallow. I perceived Franky's incredulous stare at my attire through my tired, hooded eyes. He observed the tattered dress, dirt smudges on my face, and dried tear tracks on my cheeks. His trepidation was palpable as he assessed my dishevelled appearance, the confusion evident in his eyes as he struggled to comprehend the situation. Approaching the bar, he inquired, "What on earth are you wearing?" prompting a dry, brief chuckle from me as I rolled my eyes. The once beautiful dress I had worn was now rendered tattered from my frantic sprint through the woods.

With a grim tone, I poured Franky a drink and met his gaze. "Listen, Franky, you must listen to me," I asserted. Sliding the whiskey toward him, I poured myself another shot. The liquid scorched my throat as I downed it in one smooth motion, feeling warmth spreading through my chest as the alcohol took effect, prompting a long exhale of relief.

"Speak, please," Franky urged, disregarding the drink I offered, prompting a sigh from me. I shook my head, feeling a tightening in my chest, a foreboding sense of dread as I met his gaze. Releasing a long sigh, I slumped my shoulders in despair. "I... I took a life, the man responsible for my mother's death," I whispered, my voice quivering slightly.

Franky stared at me incredulously, shaking his head vehemently, exclaiming, "No! It was a wolf, I witnessed—", He advanced, fists clenched in anger, continuing, "A wolf, lass, not a man."

Pleadingly, I fixed my gaze on him, exerting all my will. "Franky, I know this sounds implausible, you may think I'm crazy, but the beast is also a man," I confessed. Nervously raking my hands through my hair, and pacing behind the bar, my mind raced to find a way to convey the situation coherently. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, my thoughts scattered and tumultuous. Attempting to calm myself, I took a deep breath, yet the fear and apprehension lingered. I murmured, "And so was Daniel... he was involved."

Near Death Experience (18+) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now