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Knox PoV

Xander sat in front of me at the table within the North Planning tent, painfully wounded from a gunshot to the stomach. The blackthorn was spreading through his body, however, with him being a Pureblood it won't kill him thankfully. I bit into my wrist holding it out to him as I ordered him, "Drink. You need blood."

Xander didn't hesitate, as he grabbed my wrist at a speed and sunk his fangs into my flesh but I gave no reaction. We had shared our blood countless times before, and this was no different. As I watched him drink from me, the colour slowly returned to his face and his strength came back as he unlatched from my skin.

"Now. Tell me what happened," I ordered Xander who began wiping his lips with his sleeve.

He coughed as he spoke up, "A-After you left, I marked her. I had to get that mutt scent off of her, the mark from him caused her pain far greater than anything."

"Because she has no feelings for him. Forcefully marking someone will be agnozing, nevertheless, he will be dealing with a far greater pain," I explained to him feeling my rage begin to build in my veins at the thought of that mutt Daniel.

"What did you do to him?" Xander asked with a slight smirk as he knew I wouldn't have held back. My memories began to resurface with a wicked smile on my lips.

I ran through the darkened forest with intense speed, my heart pounding in my chest and rage flowing through my veins. I could feel the wind whipping against my face as I jumped over fallen trees and raced around sharp turns. I kept pushing myself forward, fueled by the thought of revenge and justice. All I could smell was her blood, my eyes reddened in violence as I hunted the mutt that dared to hurt my Elksling.

And there I saw him.

I quickly caught up to Daniel and grabbed him violently by the arm, twisting it with a loud crack, causing him to wince in pain. I had an iron grip on him as I pinned him to the ground, my eyes burning with anger and hatred. I wanted to make sure he paid for what he had done and I was going to make sure of it.

"Hello mutt," I hiss out with a wicked laugh. My hunger was peaking with my rage, and I wanted nothing more than to rip this boy apart. But I had something else in mind for him, something more painful than death.

"Get off of me!" he screams loudly as I squeeze harder on his arm feeling the bones shatter under my grip. I laughed at him watching him flail around on the ground. I let go of his arm, standing up from his body as I step on his thigh. I muttered lowly, "No, no, no. You asked for this", as I pressed down on his leg feeling his femur snap under my weight.

"She is mine!" he cried through the pain only making the rage in me boil over. Slowly my shoe began to bury into his thigh, blood pooling around his pants and the earth beneath him. I chuckled through his agonizing screams as I lowered myself down, "That is where you are wrong you filthy beast. She is ours. She was begging Xander to mark her, take away your bite."

"NO!" he screamed so loudly as I watched the veins in his head pop through his skin. I laughed at him, how angry he got over my words. I groaned loudly as I said mischievously, "I could only imagine what else she would beg us to do."

"STOP IT," he yelled as I released my foot out of his leg grabbing him by the jacket edges. I lift him up from the ground muttering, "You see boy, you decided to mess with two Purebloods beloved. Death will be too kind for you, I do not give mercy to those who do not deserve it."

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