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I yawned inaudibly, using the back of my palm to cover my mouth,

I pressed my blaring alarm shut and pulled the covers over my head..

I was going to reset that shit to a one time ring.

I needed to prepare Bora for her nursery school,

Throwing the covers off of me I sat up on my bed scratching my head, clearly notable that I wasn't contented with my sleep..

But a father's got to be a father even in an ungodly hour.
(Omg 😱 did you feel the rhymes lol 😂 tell me you felt that😒)

My phone dinged on the lampstand

I stretched and grabbed it, positioning my face properly so it unlocks

It was a text from hoseok, my friend.


I'll be in Korea latest Friday evening, you're picking me up from the airport.

He actually sent this last night, I probably missed it cause I was asleep

no, I'm not. You're not my responsibility .

I replied tossing my phone on the bed since he wasn't online.

I got off my bed dragging my feet to the bathroom,
After brushing my teeth I headed straight for the kitchen..

I made some scrambled egg and sausage, then heated up a cup of chocolate milk drink..

After I was done, I carefully dished her food in a plate, adding a slice of brown bread at the side.. I ran out of butter..

I got her chocolate drink from the microwave and took her breakfast to the dining room.. I placed it on the table and proceeded to go to her room.

I entered bora's dimly lit room and turned on the main light,

She stirred and squinted her eyes..

I trudged closely to her and sat at the edge of her bed

"Time for school"
I cooed..

I shook her slightly..

She lazily opened her eyes and rubbed them, then sneezed twice.

I immediately scooted closer and took her in my arms..

"You okay baby?"
I asked getting her hair out of her face, she had a tainted cheek and a runny nose..

She was perfectly fine yesterday,
Or was she not?.

"Bowa sick daddy"
She replied me lowly

"Yeah I think you caught the flu"
I said kissing her cheeks

"I'll have to take you to the hospital"

I said getting off the bed with her in my arms

"I hate fwu"
Bora voiced out and sneezed..

A spell too far//♥︎JIKOOK ❤️‍🔥Where stories live. Discover now