Silly Aunt Marge

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[It is pitch black, until we see what seems to be a small glow before it dims out. Then, the glow emits again, only bigger and revealing itself to be from a window, and then dims out. During all the while, a dog was heard barking.]

"I want a dog." Pietro sighs, dreamily, before turning to Tony, "Will you be my bitch?"

Tony's eyes widen and he splutters, saying, "What- No! I am not a bitch! Nor will I ever be anyones- No!"

Pietro frowns at him, confused on why he's rejecting his requests, before letting out a sound of realisation and correcting himself, "My bad. I'm sorry. I went to far."

Tony nods at him, "Yes, you should be sorry. What you said is unaccep-"

"Be my whore?" Pietro asks him innocently before turning away from him, leaving him a flustered mess who keeps muttering insults at him.

[The glow from the window emits again, only this time, a familiar object was in front of the glow and as it dims out. The glow emits again and the dims away, just as the object then shines, revealing itself to be the Warner Bros. Pictures shield, in silver and the byline fades in underneath. The scenery behind the shield fades in from the darkness and the glow emits again, revealing to be Privet Drive and the glow is coming from Hayley's bedroom and 4 Privet Drive. We zoom through the shield and towards the window]

Hayley: Lumos Maxima. [It was revealed that she is under the bed covers, and the glow is so bright that it lights up the room] 

"Ahh. Having trouble are we, Hayley?" Draco asks her smugly, puffing out his chest ignoring his wife's unimpressed face, "I got that spell first try. Easy stuff, Hayley."

Astoria frowns at him accusingly, "If I remember right, you still have trouble with the spell." Making her husband quickly cover her mouth, seeing Hayley frown at him, definitely choosing to believe Astoria over Draco.

 Draco laughs nervously, shaking his head slightly, "No no. Definitely know how to cast that spell really well. It was you who couldn't produce it and stubbed their toe!" Draco points at Astoria with his free hand, before quickly drawing back his hand that was covering his mouth because she licked it. "Ew."

She raises her eyebrows at his exclamation, "Ew?" She questions, making him splutter out apologies, which she ignores and instead sends a sly wink to Hayley.

Hayley: Lumos Maxima [she casts the spell again which is the Lumos Maxima. Until she hears a toilet flushing and immediately goes back to sleep just as Vernon opens the door and turns on the light. He looks around in confusion before he turns off the light and closes the door and heads back to his bedroom. With him gone, Hayley goes back to what she was doing.] 

"Not very bright, is he?" Fred asks his twin, who nods enthusiastically.

"Daft dimbo."

Hayley: Lumos Maxima [It revealed she was learning the Lumos Maxima from a book.] Lumos Maxima.

Tony turns to Hayley, curiously, "So you can read? Cause I really was considering getting you a tutor to teach you." He tells her honestly.

"Excuse you! I passed every subject-" Hayley starts to defend herself but is cut off by Ron.

"Uhhh- Actually you didn't pass a few subjects." He interrupts her, oblivious to her glare.

"Well, Ikle Ronniekins, if I remember rightly, you also failed those classes, soooo... And they were stupid subject anyway." She tells her red-headed best friend, before turning back to Tony, "If I may add I was the only person in my whole year to get an O in Defence Against the Dark Arts. So, if that doesn't prove that I can read, then I don't know what will." Hayley finishes with a huff, turning back to the screen as Tony frowns, not knowing what the hell an O means. Maybe he will get her a tutor if she failed that bad.

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