Borgin and Burkes

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[Hayley comes bursting through the chimney, covered in soot and dust, glasses nowhere to be seen]

"What. an. idiot."

"'Mione! My heart, broken, again."

[She pushes herself up, off of the floor and begins her little search for her glasses. She finds them and puts them on but one of the lenses is shattered.]

Hermione turns to Hayley, who seems to be trying very hard not to make eye contact with her, and asks her, "Do you happen to know what the spell is Hayley?"

"Pffftt. YeAh. Why would I nOt?" Hayley says, unconvincingly, her voice getting higher and higher.

"And what is it?" Hermione accuses her, while Ron eats popcorn with his kids, Rose and Hugo, amused.

Hayley freezes, trying to remember the simple spell. Eventually she gives up and attempts to defend herself, "Okay! So maybe I don't remember the spell but that is because there are so many other important spells to remember, such as expelliarmus and-" She hesitates for a moment before continuing, "expel..liar...mus.."

Hermione just sighs at her best friend.

[She looks around confused at her surroundings and stands up. She looks between horrified and confused at what she is looking at, so, obviously, she walks forward, and we see that there is a glass cabinet that is holding little heads of an unknown creature.]

Clint screeches like a door and hides behind Natasha.

[Hayley turns again and finds something similar in a big jar. For some weird reason, she taps it, like it might move or something.]


"Shut up I was 12."

"I'm pretty sure you already used that excuse."

"Damn it!"

[Something in her peripheral vision catches her eye and she turns to see a weird looking hand-skeleton. She looks at the note on the cushion it was sitting on but doesn't really read it and then proceeds to put her hand in the skeleton hand thing.]

[Suddenly, it grabs her hand back and Hayley struggles to remove her hand from the weird artefact.]

"Life lesson learnt there. FIRST: read labels of all and every artefact that you might touch, especially if they are in an evil looking shop. SECOND: don't put your hand in random shit." Hayley informs everyone.

[After wrestling with the hand, she pulls out her own hand and glares at the artefact and begins to walk to the entrance of the store, Borgin and Burkes.]

"OOH OOH!" Hayley and Loki begin bouncing in their chair, recognising the name Burke, "I KNOW HER, I KNOW HER."

"That's from the other book!" Hayley says to everyone, to which they all look at her in confusion.

"What other book?" Bruce asks for the millionth time but gets annoyed with no response.

[She walks out into the alley, hesitant, seeing all the witches and wizards dressed in dark clothes. Hayley walks past a witch who gives her a smirk in return. An old looking wizard stands in Hayley's way, so she back tracks, walking backwards, before she is stopped by another witch.]



Witch: Not lost are you, my dear?

"She's great!"

"Cheers, Ginny."

Hayley: I'm fine, thank you.

[Behind Hayley more dark looking witches and wizards stalk closer to Hayley]

"Gurl- what the fuck."

Witch: Come with us. We'll help you find your way back.

Hayley: No! Please, I-

Hagrid: Hayley?!

[Luckily, the half-giant is seen behind the little crowd of people surrounding her.]

"Hello, Hagrid." Ron Hermione and Hayley say at the same time.

Hayley: Hagrid!

Hagrid: What're think your doin' down 'ere? Come on!

[Hayley runs up to Hagrid and they walk away together.]

[We see a sign that says 'Knockturn Alley' that points to the west and Hayley plus Hagrid, walk out together into Diagon Alley.]

Hagrid: You're a mess, Hayley. Skulking around Knockturn Alley? Dodgy place. Don't want no one to see you there. People will think you're up to no good

Hayley: I was lost, I- Hang on. What were you doing down there, then?

"Oop- Gotcha there.."

Hagrid: Me? Oh, I was... I was looking for Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent. They're ruining all the school cabbages.

[Hayley looks him up and down, not believing him.]

"sussy vbab

[The shot changes to Hermione, with MUCH better hair than the year before, exiting a book store and looking around. She seems to find what she was looking for, because she begins to run towards it.]

"Nice hair, even looks good from the back."

Hermione: Hayley! Hagrid!

[Ah! That's what she was looking for. Anyway, she found them.]

Hagrid: Hello, Hermione.

Hermione: It's so good to see you.

Hayley: Oh, it's great to see you too.

Hermione: What did you do to your glasses?

"Tripped fell..."

[She whips out her wand from literal air.]

Hermione: Oculus reparo.

"OOH I remember it now, Oculus reparo." Hayley tells Hermione with a smug look

[Hayley's glasses magically fix themself.]

Hayley: I definitely need to remember that one.

Hagrid: You'll be alright, now then, Hayley? Right. I'll leave you to it, then.

"Bye, Hagrid!" The trio said once again.

Hayley: Thank you. Bye!

Hermione: Bye! Come on, everyone's been so worried.


authors note

im so tired
ive had exams all week thats why i havent been posting, studying and stuff
last exam tomorrow

maths 😬
my most important one that i 100% am gonna fail 😁

anyway imma go sleep now cause i kept on falling asleep while writing this.

Q: Do you have exams
A: If you do, I feel you pain, if you don't, wanna swap


Words: 909

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝖎𝖗𝖑 𝖂𝖍𝖔.. 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora