Ron and Hermione

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before we start can I just say
Anyway have a nice read 😁

also i have no idea what happened with Strange?
we'll just say he was sitting with the Avengers 😅


Before the next scene can start playing Dr. Strange waves his hand, pausing the movie, which causes some people to groan while others look towards him silently asking why he did that.

Strange begins to say, "I have paused the movie-" but is cut off by Hayley saying,

"No shit Sherlock"

He turns to glare at her and continues to speak, "As I was saying, I have paused the movie to bring some more people in, who some of you know"

He stands up and does his lil hand thing, and his hands turn orange and circles n shit appear and a portal appears dropping 3 people,

Remus, Tonks and Teddy Lupin.

Hayley looked at the guests, seeing who they were, she stood up and ran to Remus, engulfing him in a big hug that he immediately reciprocated, even though confused.

She pulled back and hugged Tonks and Teddy saying, "Hey, how have you guys been?"

"Umm, we've been great, thanks" Remus said, "How did we get here? Why are we here?"

"Ooh, right. We were all teleported here and we are now watching my life at Hogwarts" She said in a tone Remus couldn't decipher, "Come on, sit near me guys"

Hayley, Remus, Tonks and Teddy willingly followed Hayley to her couch and bean bags around her. 

[Later on, the Hogwarts Express is travelling through the countryside. Hayley is in sitting alone in a train compartment, and Ron appears in the doorway.]

Ron: Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else is full.

"Suree it was." The Weasley twins say at the same time.

Hayley: No, not at all.

Ron: [sits across from Hayley] I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley.

Hayley: I'm Hayley. Hayley Potter.

"Bond. James Bond." Clint says in a deep voice, causing Hayley to reach over and hit his arm while laughing herself.

[Ron goes agape.]

"Ron close your mouth, you'll catch flies" Fred and George say at the same time again, creeping some of the Avengers out.

Tony turns to Wanda and Pietro, who both raise their eyebrows at the same time, and tells them, "Don't you start doing that! I'm serious!"

"Dead Sirius." Hayley mutters under her breath.

Ron: So-so it's true? I mean, do you really have the...the...

Hayley: The what?

Ron: [whispers] Scar...?

"Ron! You can't just ask that stuff!" Molly Weasley says to him while Hayley snickers.

"Yeah Ron, it really hurt my feeling." Hayley says to him while giggling.

Hayley: Oh [lifts up her hair bangs to reveal it]

Ron: Wicked.

[A trolley comes by the compartment, full of sweets.]

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