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As the movie came to its conclusion, many people started to voice their hunger, mostly Ron, so McGonagall stood from her chair, but not the headmistress chair, as that had been taken from a very guilty looking witch. She raised her wand and spoke, "If everyone would please stand so I can change the tables back to how they were originally, so you can eat." to which everyone cheered and stood, walking towards to walls as to not get crushed by the tables.

Once the tables had been summoned, everyone swarmed to sit down at each other's tables, each table having someone from every house sitting there. The Avengers awkwardly stood next to the wall, not really knowing where to sit.

Flitwick seeing this, turned to face Hayley, who was cowering in McGonagall's presence, "Hey Hayley. Your team look kinda lost. Do you want to go show them where to sit, and I'll deal with Minerva?"

Hayley enthusiastically nodded, quickly jumping up to walk to her team. Once she got to her teammates and the others who had no idea what to do in this situation, she shooed them away from the wall and made them follow her to where her best friends were sitting and made the students either budge up or moved to another table, Hayley told them calmly.

"Sit sit!" Hayley told the big group that followed her, "There's plenty of food to go around, don't ask how it's made though, I might have to go on another strike."

Hermione turned to her, not forgetting the events that just happened on the screen but momentarily changing to subject, frowning as she corrected Hayley's words, "I never made you go on strike! I was trying to make a point by going on strike myself-" Hermione starts to explain to the Avengers, who all look very confused.

"You mean not eating meals? Cause that's not going on strike, that's being an idiot." Ron tells his wife, while biting into a chicken leg, his kids on either side of him, also eating chicken legs.

Hayley silently nodded, not knowing how Hermione would retaliate.

Bruce frowns, really just wanting to leave and go back to the compound, but he is still intrigued on what the trio is talking about. So, he speaks up, asking the one question Hayley said not to ask, "Why don't you want to eat the food? How is it made?" He puts down his cutlery, not sure if he wants to eat anymore.  

In sync, Hayley and Ron both dramatically groan and smack their hands to their foreheads. All while Hermione beams, going to sit next to the scientist and they spend the rest of the dinner just chatting about S.P.E.W. and Hermione's stand about it in the ministry.

Thor and Loki, who are sitting next to each other, both have food on their plates, but Thor's has significantly more on his plate, it almost looking like a mountain. As Thor went to pick up the last piece of meat from the middle of the table, Loki huffed, "Don't you ever stop eating? You know that there are other people who want to eat without you taking it all."

Thor stops chewing and splutters out, "Hayley's said I could have as much as I wanted!" making Loki recoil in disgust, not wanting to sit next to his brother anymore.

Loki huffs, sliding away from his brother while rolling his eyes, "You are just like Volstagg! You never stop eating, you oaf!" Loki tells him, but Thor just shrugs his shoulders and picks up the last piece of steak, "Now no one can have any steak! Great job brother!" but as the steak leaves the plate, it refills itself, leaving them both to just stare at the plate in confusion.

As quietly as they could, Ginny and Luna make their way back into the hall, both very flustered and giggling as they sit at the end of the bench and start eating.

Hayley, who had been trying to make Fury tell Remus about Goose, suddenly turned to Ron and Draco, who had been talking about planning another catch up with the kids, and smirked, reminding them, "Remember what Minnie and Mione said I could do after the movie?" Which makes them both frown, trying to remember what on earth she is talking about.

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