The Basilisk

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[Hayley turns to face the statue of Salazar Slytherin as a rumbling begins; Riddle turns around to face her as the statue's mouth starts to open.]

"I don't think I want to watch this." Bruce says, grimacing because he knows that Hayley will do something stupid.

Tony claps him on the back, making him jump, not expecting the hit, "Well to bad! It can't be that bad, because Hayley is sitting right up there." he finishes, pointing towards the teachers table where Hayley sits very nervous under the Headmistress' gaze.

Riddle: Let's match the power of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Salazar Slytherin, against the famous Hayley Potter.

"Hmm." Minerva raises her eyebrow at Hayley, who can't sit still in her seat anymore, way too anxious about what's going to be shown.

[Hayley gulps and turns toward the statue again as she hears an ominous snarling that appears to be coming from inside the statue and hyperventilates; Riddle turns to face the statue's mouth as the Basilisk shrieks "Hungry!" from within the statue.]

"This can't be good." Fury mutters under his breath, already knowing that she is gonna do something stupid and probably almost get herself killed.

[The stone slab concealing the statue's mouth stops descending; a split second afterwards, the Basilisk emerges from the darkness and starts to come into the light, growling menacingly. Hayley throws the Sorting Hat onto the floor in front of Ginny and races back towards the door to the Chamber as the Basilisk's head comes out of the statue's mouth and its snake-like body lowers into the surrounding water; Riddle, immune to the Basilisk's lethal gaze, watches the creature.]

Riddle: Sethae- He- This!

Draco looks up to the nervous Hayley and asks, "What did he say?"

"Umm- he said to umm-" Hayley cringed looking at McGonagall's stern face, "Uhh, he said 'kill her'."

Bruce whined and said, "Seems about right for Hayley, to be honest."

Riddle: [turns his attention to the fleeing Hayley as the Basilisk's body curves to its right behind it] Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter. [the Basilisk's tail drops into the water behind him] It only obeys me!

"Of course! Even though she can speak parseltongue it doesn't matter." Loki rolls his eyes, "The irony."

[The Basilisk slithers after Hayley with a ferocious growl. Hayley races down the corridor as fast as she can while the Basilisk is in hot pursuit; unfortunately, Hayley loses her footing on the slippery floor and trips, allowing the Basilisk to catch up with her.]

"Why'd you fall over?" Pietro asks Hayley with a frown.

"I didn't do it on purpose!" She defends herself against the speedy man-child.

[Her glasses clatter to the floor in front of her; she immediately puts them back on before realizing the Basilisk is right above her and covers her head with her hands. Just as the Basilisk is about to attack Hayley, Fawkes emits his cry, getting their attention. Fawkes swoops down, going directly for the Basilisk, and attacks the colossal snake, pecking at it, with Hayley observing their fight by watching their shadows on the wall.]

"Fawkes ate that. Quite literally ate that snake." Sam says to Bucky and Peter, causing the latter to laugh and Bucky to slightly smile.

Riddle: NO! Your bird may have blinded the Basilisk, but it can still hear you.

"Give the poor snake a minute!" Rose tells the screen, "He just had his eyes eaten for Merlin's sake." she finishes, rolling her eyes at the dude on the screen.

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