Writing on the Wall

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[Hayley is walking into the corridor when she suddenly hears the ominous voice again]

"Oh for fuck sake."



Ominous Voice: Blood. I smell blood. Let me rip you... Let me kill you. Kill... kill... kill!


"Honestly.. no. This want even that bad of a year, if you compare it to every other year."

"I don't wanna watch it then."

"You've got no choice."

Hermione: [she and Ron just appear out of nowhere] Hayley...

People scream at the two just appearing out of nowhere.

Hayley: Did you hear it?

Ron: [concerned and confused] Hear what?

"I don't think they heard it." Draco tells The Scar Head™.

"I think I got that, yeah."

Hayley: That voice.

Hermione: [getting concerned as well] Voice? What voice?

Hayley: I heard it first in Lockhart's office, and then, again, just-- [she hears the voice once more]

Ominous Voice: It's time.

"What's the time Mr Wolf?"


Hayley: [getting tense] It's moving. I think it's going to kill.

Ron: [as Hayley runs past them down the corridor] "Kill"?

"WHY ARE YOU RUNNING TOWARDS IT?" Tony exclaims, throwing his arms in the air.

"I- uhhhh- oh no!" Hayley says as she stands up, slowly moving to Luna, "Nargles have infested by brain! Ahhhh. I should really go over here- um, here with Luna. Right, Luna?"

"I think you mean wrackspurts, Hayley." Luna corrects her.

"YES- um I mean, yeahhh. That's what I meant, mhm."

Hermione: [she and Ron run after her] Hayley, wait! Not so fast!

"That's what she said- OW! LUNA!"

[Hayley stops in the middle of the corridor, then looks down to see the floor is wet before walking to the right. Ron and Hermione run to catch up with her; they stop abruptly as they see numerous spiders scurrying away through a crack in the window.]

"What the hell?"

"Please don't tell me you follow the spiders?" Loki asks the trio.

"Uhhhh- no.. not yet." Hayley says, whispering the last part.

Hayley: Strange... I've never seen spiders act like that.

Ron: I don't like spiders. [they then glance at something else on the floor] What's that?

Hermione: [they gaze at a puddle of water, where they can see what appears to be bloody writing, then look up at the wall to see foreboding words written in blood which Hermione reads] "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir, beware." It's written in blood.

The guests just stare at the screen while Hayley smiles and says, "Well whoever wrote that has really neat handwriting. Much neater than No Nose Voldy." She finishes, subtly glancing at Ginny, giving her a wink, something that no one noticed except Natasha, who frowned at the exchange.

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