Taylors 35th!

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Travis POV ~December 11th~

It's 2 days till Taylor's 35th birthday, and I decided that's when I will pop the question infront of all her friends. Yes we've been together a little over a year but not counting the break we're close to 2 1/2 and I know she's not going anywhere.

I went to the group chat with me and her friends to plan out her birthday.

Plans are all made out, party planning is pretty simple with Taylor's friends. My parents and her parents already know about it as I told them last week same with someone of my football friends.

I picked up the ring yesterday and I hid it in one of my drawers where Taylor can't find it. Taylor was downstairs doing work while Hadley was watching tv on the couch. I went downstairs to join them.

"Hey beautiful," I said to her.

"Oh hey Trav, what's up?" She asked.

"Oh nothing, look I got practice later, can you watch Hadley for me for a little bit?" I asked, I was actually going to go get stuff for the party.

"You've been going to the field quite often Trav, is everything alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, I've just been a little stressed is all, with the playoffs coming up and the Super Bowl if we make that. Nothing to big," I said to her.

"Alright what time you leaving?" She asks.

"At 5 I'll be back at 8," I said.

"Oh good, I'll have dinner done and ready, I have a meeting at 7," she said.

"Good, but for now let's just unwind for a bit," I said sitting down.

Taylor's POV

I didn't like that Travis went out so much, he could atleast spend time with his girlfriend and daughter.

"Do you think you can just stay home tomorrow? I miss you being around," I admitted.

"Of course babe, anything, I'm sorry I've been so busy the past few weeks," he apologized.

"It's okay I get it, I just think she misses her dad," I said pointing to Hadley who was sleeping on the couch beside me.

"I know," he said as I leaned into his arms.

"And I miss you," I said.

"So your birthday is in 2 days, anything you want me to do with you?" He asked.

"Well I haven't really thought of it, I've been so caught up with Hadley ," I said.

"Will make sure it's the best, i promise, the big 35," He laughs.

"Ugh 5 more years till I'm 40, that's crazy, and ahh closer to 50, whack," I laughed.


Travis's POV

I left the house and met up with Selena and Sabrina to prep for the party.

"Okay so we're going to leave the stuff at my house and I'll bring it over?" Selena asked.

"Yep, and Sabis got the cake?" I asked.

"Yep already have it on order," Sabrina said

Selena and Sabrina nodded, confirming the details for Taylor's birthday party. With everything planned out, I felt a surge of excitement building within me. This was it—two days until I would ask Taylor the biggest question of our relationship.

As we sorted out the final arrangements, I couldn't help but feel a rush of nerves tingling beneath my skin. Sure, Taylor and I had been through a lot together, and I knew she loved me as much as I loved her, but there was still that lingering fear of the unknown. What if she wasn't ready? What if I was making a mistake?

Shaking off my doubts, I focused on the task at hand. Taylor deserved the world, and I was determined to give it to her. With the support of her friends and our families, everything was falling into place perfectly.

After finalizing the party plans, I bid farewell to Selena and Sabrina, thanking them for their help. With a sense of purpose driving me forward, I headed back home, eager to spend the remaining hours of the day with Taylor and Hadley.

Taylor's POV:

As Travis returned home, I couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over me. Despite his busy schedule, he always made time for us, and for that, I was grateful.

Sinking into his embrace, I let out a contented sigh, feeling the weight of the world lift from my shoulders. With Travis by my side, everything seemed a little bit brighter, a little bit easier to bear.

As we talked about my upcoming birthday, I couldn't suppress a smile at Travis's infectious enthusiasm. His commitment to making my day special filled me with warmth, reminding me once again why I fell in love with him in the first place.

With each passing moment, I felt my love for Travis deepen, anchoring me to him in ways I never thought possible. As we laughed and joked together, I knew that no matter what the future held, we would face it together, hand in hand.

And as the evening drew to a close, I drifted off to sleep, feeling more loved and cherished than ever before.


NU: 12.9k!! Also guys there's only a couple more chaps left and I head a lot of AI to help me with it (this book has been finished for like 2 months now) but thanks for all the support!
Love Maesie!

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