When Will It Get Better

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~Fast Forward 10 months~ End Of August

Taylor's POV

Wow! Travis and I have been together almost a year now as our anniversary is next week. Things are going amazing! Or kinda? Not really? We decided during the season of practice for Travis we will live in Kansas City and Off Season right in Nashville, and if I end up on tour again I will live in my homes. We still are going through the adjustments with Hadley, she's gotten better but sometimes isn't right.. But she's still so... timid. We started homeschooling as public school wasn't the right fit, it seems that people are onto her. Now it was the football season so we're living in Kansas City. Travis was at work while it was just Hadley and I at home.

"Hadley James! Come down her please," I asked and she walked down shyly.

"Hi," she says quietly.

"Come, come sit," I said patted the couch and she shuffled over to me.

She sat within 2 feet of me. She's so sheltered now it's so upsetting. She stopped calling me mom and even stopped calling Travis Dad.

Hadleys POV

I sat across from Taylor. She looked like she was going to cry.

"Hadley girl, what's wrong? I want to help you," she said with a tear streaming down her face.

I was so upset seeing Taylor cry.

Taylor's POV

"I'm, im scared," Hadley says and i open my arms and she accepts It.

"Why are you scared baby? What's the matter?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I don't know, I don't know," she cried.

"Shhh it's alright cry it out, do you wanna go sleep in moms room? Hmm?" I asked and she nodded.

I picked her up and she hugged me tightly as we went upstairs to my room.

"Alright, there there, go to sleep I'll be right here," I said lying down with her in my arms. I don't think it's just us who've noticed.

Travis's POV

I got back from work and I came home to the house being quiet. Taylor hasn't answered my text, calls or FaceTimes. I went upstairs and went into my room and Hadley was cuddled asleep in Taylor's arms. I decided not to bother them and lay down on the other side and fall asleep aswell.

~The Next Day~

Taylor's POV

Today Travis and I have been together a whole year. We still didn't know how we wanted to celebrate. 

"Hadley it's time to do your school," I said to her half asleep.

"I don't want to Tay," she defended.

"And why not? You love school?" I asked.

"My teacher is kinda weird," she said and I look at her confused.

"In what way?" I asked.

"He just seems so invasive," she said.  Now Hadley is 11, she just started 6th grade.

"Your math teacher?" I asked.

"Yeah, my other teachers are fine but him? He weirds me out," Hadley said and I hug her tightly.

"Alright we're going to take a day off of school, you can hang out with me and your dad okay?" I said.

"But it's your anniversary? I don't want to take time away from you guys," she said. I look at her.

"Hadley James, we rather spend this day with you then not alright? When your dad gets home I'll order pizza and we can stay in, oh and I ordered the matching PJs for him," I said.

"You did?!" Hadley says happily and I nod.

"Alright let's go eat breakfast," I said leading her to the kitchen.


Travis' POV

It was later in the afternoon and made it home and walked through the door, it was quiet again and I see Taylor on the couch with Hadley asleep in her arms.

"Oh hey your home, Happy Anniversary Babe," Taylor said and I kissed her on the cheek.

"PJs and Pajamas, and I'll call the pizza right now, the dogs are fed and the cats correct?" I asked.

"Yeah I fed the dogs and I just put Myles out a little while ago, I'm going to order the pizza and go shower and I'll be down," I said and Taylor nodded.

Hadleys POV

I woke up in Taylor's arms. I was so comfy.

"Hey babe, have a good nap?" She asked. I nodded.

"Is daddy home?" I asked.

"He's up in the shower, he'll be down soon," Taylor said.

"Aww is my favorite girl awake?" Travis said walking down and I hugged him.

"Daddy! You're wearing matching Jammie's!" I said.

"I told you I'd get another pair!" Travis said sitting down on the other side of me.

Taylor's POV

I was watching TV when the doorbell rang.

"Unknown guest at front door," the door said and I got up it was probably the pizza.

It was.

Hadleys POV

Taylor went to grab the door, and something felt off. That man looked like my teacher? I stood there frozen, and he waved at me.

Taylor's POV

I see Hadley freeze. I take the pizza and pay the man. Something was off. I shut the door.

"Haddie, are you alright?" I said putting the pizza down and stood infront of her not invading space.

"Hadley James?" Travis questioned. She just stood there and next thing you know.

NU: 9.9k

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