In This Together

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Taylor's POV

The poor thing has been in my house 5 minutes and already having a panic attack in my living room. I gave her space, to much, she just wouldn't stop.

"Here," I said reaching out my hand and waiting for her to take it.

She sat there for a minute still crying but slowly she grabbed my hand. I was standing in front of her and I sat down slowly next to her, I gently put her arm around her. She flinched backing away from me. Benji was right next to me so I picked him up and I let him go to the young girl, the young girl slowly looks up to see Benji rubbing against her she starts to smile.

"There's the smile," I said and she didn't look at me but she smiled at Benji again.

"I'll let you have a moment, I'll get us some food," I said and went to the kitchen.

I made some sandwich's and got strawberry lemonade in cute glass tumblers. I went back to the living room. Hadley was laying down with her headphones in staring off into space. 

"Hadley, i have food," I said and I sat down next to her and she moved back a little, I placed her food on the table.

We sat in silence, she moved her food around the plate but was not eating, I put in a movie and we just watched in silence

Hadleys POV

I still don't believe any of this is real... my step dad got sent me to my idols house? Like that's absolutely insane. But the way he didn't let me talk about just feels like now I'm not allowed to say anything to her.

I sipped my lemonade slowly. Not eating the food right away. I scooted a little bit closer to Taylor. Not to close but close enough where we were almost shoulder and shoulder.

She put on a movie for us and she handed me a blanket. I felt myself getting sleepy. But I felt the sniffles come on why was I upset for being tired. I can't even say anything about my step dad to her.

"You can lay down, don't be afraid," she said and I shook my head no with tears in my eyes.

"What's the matter baby?" She asked. Baby.
It felt so unreal. But something in me felt safe.

"Why is everything so... private," I managed to say.

"Because I'm a celebrity babe, I can't have anyone know about you, I want to keep you protected," Taylor said.

"Now, tell me about yourself," she asked.

"Well my moms dead for starters," I said, slowly slipping myself back, why did you say that?  That was so rude Had.

"Sorry," I said.

"It's okay Haddie, your coping, we all do it," Taylor said. Haddie. I liked that. A nickname.

"Well, I love your music, I'm a big fan, I love doing soccer when I'm not doing music, I'm an only child, that's really it," I said shyly.

"Well that's awesome Haddie, and so you know, you are so loved here, and you can ask me anything, and I will help you any time you need it, this is your home now," Taylor said and I smiled.

Taylor's POV

It was now later, Hadley hasn't spoke much. Poor thing is so scared. She doesn't know what to think anymore.

"Hey Hads?" I asked her walking back to the living room where she stayed most of the day.

"Do you wanna see your room?" I asked her.

She nodded. I held my hand out and she took it. I smile and walk her upstairs to the room across from mine.

"Welcome home Haddles," I said and she looked around slowly but cautiously.

"It's great, thank you," she said politely.

"I'm going to go shower and get dinner ready, feel free to hang out in your room, and ill come get you after," I said.

She nods and sits on her bed, I see her take out a stuffed elephant, and hug it close. I smile and close the door. I go into my room and sit on my bed, I look through pictures on Facebook. Ugh I miss my life being so fufilled. I've been in this weird depression, I haven't seen family, besides my mom, friends, nothing.

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