You're Not Sorry

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Travis POV

I received a call from the social worker. Hadley got a concussion, she won't be coming home this week, so I decided I would send her a letter that she can read it. I know she's still mad at me, I'll have her foster parents read it to her. I just can't sign it with my name, this confidential placement is ridiculous.

Dearest Hadley, my sweet girl, I know we ended on the wrong foot and I'm so sorry I left you like this. I wish there could've been more I could do to keep you home, because I'll tell you one thing, I miss you. Uncle misses you, he's been keeping me company. I'm sorry that you already got hurt, I bet it sucks but I hope you're foster parents are taking care of you. You will forever be my girl, and I hope you can forgive me for making you sad. I love you bunny <3 Love Dad

I don't really call myself dad, but I want her to know that she will return back to me soon.

Couple days later

Taylor's POV

Hadley was still struggling. She just felt so out of place, I decided to invite my mom over to see if it would help a bit. Plus I had to get out for a minute.

"Hadley James, get ready please, your Nana is coming over," I called to her.

"Who?" She asked.

"My moms coming over to meet you, please be on your best behavior," I said to her.

"Whatever," she said dragging the R.

"And cool it with the attitude please," I asked politely.

"Sorry," she said.

"I know it's not something I commenced with you about im sorry but I promise you we can have a movie night together tonight, you start school soon anyways," I said.

"I'm sorry Taylor, forgive me?" She asked.

"Of course I forgive you babe," I said opening my arms for a hug.

She paused and shook her head no politely. I nodded in agreement.

"That's fine," I said.


"Taylor?" I hear the door open.

"Mom!" I said giving her a big hug.

"Where's the little smug?" She asked.

"Upstairs, she's a little pissed at me, she's not really a hugger by the way," I mentioned.

"She'll come down eventually, she's also recovering from a concussion she could finally get out of bed yesterday," I said.

"A concussion?! The first day?!" She asked.

"Oh yes, right into the door she ran," I chuckled.

"That girl is a run for your money," Mom laughed.

"Yeah but I'm here to work with her and get her to love me," I said and mom rubbed my arm.

"I know you can do it Tay," Mom said and I nodded.

"I know I can, actually speaking of she," I said hearing the door shut upstairs.

"Hadley, Nanas here!" I said and she walked down the stairs.

"Hi," she waved shyly.

"Hello darlin, I'm Andrea," mom said.

"I know," she gives a soft smile and sits at the opposite side of the island.

"Okay Haddie, you start school in a week, do you wanna play soccer? Or do band? Or both?" I asked.

"I wanna do both," she said.

"Okay we can work that out, thanks kid," I said and she nodded and went back upstairs.

As long as she was down here for a few that's all that matters.

"How's she been mentally?" My mom asked.

"I mean, not the best, she's got some behavioral issues, she's also got a attitude, but like not purposely, I have learned to deal with it," I said to my mom.

"Now is she sleeping with you or in her room?" My mom asked.

"In her room mostly unless she has a nightmare I'll bring her into my room, she doesn't like to talk about it," I mentioned.

"Poor kid, I hope she does well going to school," my mom said.

"I'm nervous for her, honestly, she's going to be traveling back and forth throughout the weekend," I said.

"It's gonna be tough Tay, that's what being a mom is about, I did it for you," My mom said.

"I know, and I'm grateful," I laugh.

"Mail for Hadley James," I heard the mailman say through the window.

"Thank you," I take the mail and bring it in.

"Haddie! Mail for you!" I called to her.


2k?! Hello?! Gosh y'all are good! Next update: 2.3K!
Mwah ~Maesie

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