The Talent show

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Taylor's POV

I went to the music room with Hadley and she sat down and I gave her the guitar. She started strumming a deep chord progression, I think she wants a good sad song.

"Any idea of what you want the song to be?" I asked. She looks up at me with softened eyes.

"I feel like this song could reach out to my dad about how I feel and the difference between feeling like I'm in a house then a home and my relationship with you," she explained. So pure.

"Okay babes, I think this will hit home, let's begin, with the lyrics," I said as I pulled out the notebook.

"Wait, I'm this song I wanna cover up the fact it's about you too, so would you be okay with me saying mom in the song?" She asked.

I hugged her.

"Of course babe, I'll always be a mom to you," I said.

"Alright, I think I want to start like this, In two homes I reside, love divided deep inside," she said. Wow. She's so good.


4 hours later, the song is finished.

"Okay can I play it for you like a performance?" She asked. I nod. She stands up and stood by the mic.

"Our next act, from Mrs. Andrews class we have Hadley James Hartmann," I said.

"Taylor, Alyssa Manson," Hadley corrects.

"Sorry, Alyssa Manson!" I corrected and she began.


Tears filled my eyes as she sang a song about me and her dad. She hugged me tightly.

"You like it?" She asked.

"Like it? I loved it baby," I said and she looked up at me.

"Lets go get dinner hmm?" I asked and she nodded.

We went downstairs and she sat at the island and I began dinner.

"Taylor?" She asked.

"Yea baby?" I replied.

"I've been thinking, what if I didn't want to return to my dads?" She asked. I nearly burned my hand.

"Ow, wait, I thought that was the goal? Why don't you want to go back to your dads?" I asked.

"I just feel like the past couple weeks have been so, comforting between you and I, yeah things aren't exactly or always the best but since my mom passed away I feel like I can finally feel like I can talk to someone," she said.

"Well Haddie, I mean, the goal is to get you back to your dad, but if you want me to fight for you I will. It will be our little secret, because if you really want to know, you saved me," I said and she ran around the island and hugged me.

"Love you Taylor," she said and I just hugged her tighter.

"I love you so much, you're my baby," I said and I finished up dinner and we ate.


"Okay so, tomorrow I have a meeting with tree, and this weekend you're back with your dad, and then it's also your talent show Saturday, Nana and Selena will be there, do you know what your dad is doing?" I asked.

"I think my dads going, I don't know though, I haven't talked to him about it, but I guess I'll tell him this week, ugh I don't wanna go," she moped.

"You know you have full ability to not go right? You're old enough to make decisions Hads," I said.

"They told me I had too go? Why would I go to somewhere id be miserable," she frowned.

"I'll call Melissa tomorrow and tell her you're staying with me," I said. 


"My room tonight? You got school tomorrow?" I asked.

"I think I'm going to sleep in my room tonight," she said. I opened my arms for a hug. She gladly accepted it.

"Goodnight my girl I'll see you tomorrow," I said.

"Night Taylor," she said and went into her room.

•••The Next Day

Hadley was at practice and I had a dinner to go to with Travis.

"Taylor!" I heard my mom called.

"Upstairs!" I said.

"Hey hon, so why exactly am I babysitting tonight?" My mom asked.

"Oh I have dinner with someone..." I paused.

"Taylor, do you really think you'll get somewhere with Travis? I thought you were head over for Karlie" My mom asked.

"I think that was just a fling, but Travis, you know how much I love him," I said.

"I know you do," My mom said and I walked downstairs.

Buzz buzz

I'm on my way downtown ~ Trav

Be there in 5 ~Tay

"Hadleys going to be home any moment I gotta go, oh and if she asks I have a meeting with Tree," I said rushing out the door hugging my mom.

"Got it! And no more 4 am bs Taylor, your daughter needs you," My mom says.

"Promise, 9:30 the latest," I said waving goodbye.


Y'all are OUT DOING it!! Anyways! Next update 6.4K!!

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