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Taylor's POV

I showered and made a simple pasta dish for dinner. I went upstairs and knocked gently on Hadleys door and I walked in. She was asleep. Her eyes were puffy and red. I wish I could help her more. This is all so new to her.

I go over to her and I climb up next to her, swinging her into my lap, her breath was still shakey. She must've just fell asleep. I stroke her hair and she calms down. She leans her head into my chest and just sobs.

"Oh babe, it's okay," I told her as I laid down with her.

Time. Time is all I need with her. I just wanted to be close to her. She's been with me only a select amount of hours. I felt a different connection with this placement, I've had about 6 placements previously, 4 with Joe and 2 with Travis, there were 2 of them which I almost failed and adopted them. But something about this little girl. She's so fragile.

I got up as she drifted off to sleep, i had to go downstairs as I had left the stove on.

"Taylor, don't go," she cried.

"I'll be right back, I need to go and turn the stove off," I said and she cried.

I let go of her hand slowly and she cries I run down quickly and shut off the stove and lights and I go back upstairs and go into in her room.

"Haddie, baby," I said and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. 

"Oh hon, don't cry, don't worry I'm here for you," I said.

I sat on the edge of the bed and watched her. She didn't want affection anymore, she just avoided conversation. I wish she could just go into full detail, but she couldn't.

I sat there till she fell asleep and I picked her up and brought her into my room and laid her on my bed. I paced the room for a moment. Fueled with anxiety, it's been a day and I already feel like I failed her.

Travis POV

I feel like my heart was shattered. It's been a day without Hadley, and she didn't even say goodbye to me. I worried about her all day. Patrick tried to distract me from it, but it didn't work. All I want to do was scream, cry, maybe drink till I forget. I didn't though. I just went to the field and worked and practiced on my tackles with Patrick. Man I hope she's okay.

Hadleys POV ~The Next Morning~

I woke up in a different room. Next to me was a sleeping blonde. Taylor. Quickly I got up and ran to the door when...

Taylor's POV


"What the? Hadley!" I said getting up quickly and going over to her as she just ran into the door.

"Babe, are you okay?" I said.

"My head!" She whined.

I approached her. I tried to lay her down on the floor she just cried so I just held her and she just let me. I rocked her back and forth.

"Everything is spinning," she cried.

"How many fingers?" I said holding up two fingers.

"Like 4?" She cried.

"Oh babe," I said still holding her. I helped her up and I walked her downstairs.

She was extremely unstable. Missing stairs and all.

"Don't go to sleep Hads, I'm gonna take you to the doctors," I said from the kitchen and I hear
wrenching noise, I walk over to the living room Hadley was shaking, vomit all over her clothes, she stared at me like she did something wrong.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"No no Haddie, it's not your fault, I'm going to go grab you clothes, don't you worry, I'll get a bath running for you," I said and I went upstairs. I feared leaving her alone.


I went downstairs and prepped my keys and shoes so I could just get them and go. I helped Hadley.

"Taylor I.." Hadley paused.


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