Just a Fling

661 13 2

Taylor's POV

"Okay I'll be there for sure," I said.

"Okay!" She said happily going up to her room.

"She's something else huh?" Karlie asked.

"She's the best, I can't wait to see her thrive in the future," I said.

"She's so cute," Karlie said.

"She's absolutely adorable, I couldn't have gotten a cuter kid," I said.

••• The Weekend

It was Saturday, today was Hadleys second soccer game. Karlie really wanted to come so she was gonna disguise herself so she could watch, she was pretending to be Hadleys mom.

"Hadley James we need to be out the door in 10 minutes! Cmon!" I said and she ran downstairs.

"I'm ready!" She said hugging me.

"Where's Karlie?" She pouted.

"She's going to meet us at the field, now come on," I said and we walked out to Bryan's van.

"Uncle B!" Hadley said.

"Miss Alyssa and Miss Conway good morning," he said. Sometimes this disguising is so weird.

"Morning Brian, to the outskirts field," I said as we got into the van.

We drove to the field, today was going to be a fun day.


We made it to the field and got out.

"Les go find your mom please," I said.

"I see her! Mom!" She called running to Karlie.

"Alyssa!" She said hugging her and I try my hardest not to laugh.

I hugged her and discreetly kissed her cheek.

"Manson! Field!" The coach said walking up to Karlie and I.

"Hi I'm coach Rebel, and you must be Alyssa's, "parent"?" He asked with a quote.

"Yes, I'm Jane, and this is Taylor," Karlie introduced.

"I know who you guys are really, I just wanted to come and tell you guys that Hadley is doing AMAZING on the league, she's a star! You should be proud of her," the coach said.

"I knew she was good but I didn't know she was that good till recent," I said.

"She's a star, she'll go far." The coach said, we continued talking for a moment and we got our spots and the game began.


The game was over, and Hadley won! She ran to me and Karlie and hugged us both.

"Oh my gosh! I am so so proud of you! You did so good!" I said hugging her again as she sits in my arms.

"Alright pizza when we get back! Celebratory win!" I said and we walked back to the van.

"Can nana come?" She asked. She hasn't seen my mom all week.

"Of course kiddo, I'll call her," I said.


We made it back to the house and my mom was sitting in the kitchen.

"Nana!" Hadley called running to her.

"I heard that someone scored the winning goal!?" My mom asked.

"Me me Nana! I did!" She said.

"I'm so proud of you!" My said and we all began lunch.


Selena was over now and Karlie had left and I went to get ready with Selena.

"Who's watching Hadley?" She asked.

"My mom, really don't have anyone else to watch her." I said.

"I bet Karlie would've been more happy to watch her," Selena said.

"I would be more than happy to let her watch Hadley, but, I really don't want her getting extremely attached to her, just cause what if things don't work out?" I said.

"I get it Tay, that's understandable," Selena said.

"Only attachment is me," I laugh as we continue getting ready for the concert.


We walked downstairs and Hadley and my mom were playing monopoly at the kitchen table.

"You're coming back tonight right?" Hadley asked.

"Of course Haddie, only a few hours and I'll be back," I said, she got up and hugged me. I kissed her forehead.

I hugged my mom and she got up and hugged Selena and I.

"Have fun girls," she said and I grabbed my keys and shoes.

"Bye Auntie, Bye Tay!" I heard Hadley say and I couldn't help but run back and hug her again.

"Ugh don't say cute things or I might have to stay home," I said walking back.

"Okay I'm leaving for good this time," I laugh and we go see the driver.


We made it to the concert and we were set in the VIP booth. We were seeing my bestie Ice in concert.


We were having a blast at the concert.

"Hey I'm going to go grab a drink, wanna come?" I asked Selena.

"No I'm good, I'll save your spot though," Selena said and I walked out to the vendors.

So many choices I got distracted and dropped my wallet I bent down and then.

"Ow, sorry," some guy said looking up and come to my attention it was...


DUH DUH DUHHHH!!! Anywayssss!! Next update 5.5K!!

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