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Travis POV ~ 1 month later~

It's been a month and Hadley took longer then expected to wake up. 2 weeks. 2 weeks it took her to wake up. EASY RECOVERY?! no. Was not easy. We got so deep into it they considered pulling the plug. We didn't even come close to that thought, but that night she woke up. She didn't remember us, and it took her a week to remember anything.

Within that week process we had to move back to Missouri. I went back to work and Hadley spent all her time with Taylor. She's been so good with her and I feel like times cutting close, I gotta ask her the big question.

Her birthday is in 2 weeks and I'm planning her birthday with everyone, she has no idea that I told everyone we moved back. She was still to scared to even switch back to an iPhone.

"Taylor! I'm off to work I'll be back for dinner! I'll call you later!" I called to my girlfriend. I was partially lying to her, I was swinging by the stadium and then going to look for rings.

"Okay, I'm just gonna lay down on the couch and watch tv with Hadley, I have a meeting soon," she called back.

"I love you babe," I said.

"Love you too," she said and I left.

Taylor's POV

Since moving back to Missouri I've spent all my time with Hadley, she still has a bad fracture in her ankle.

"Cmon, let's go downstairs on the couch, we can watch friends like you've been asking," I said. She nods as I help her downstairs.

She lays by my side, this is a first. She's been so closed off, still.

She doesn't talk much anymore, she's afraid to speak up sometimes.

I go on my laptop and see I've received a email on my undercover work email.


Talia! Where have you been at work?! Girl it's been so lonely without you! Let me know when your coming back! Miss you girl!

Reply From:

Ryleigh, things happened and I had to move, but here's my iMessage Email, I'll call you later it's @ call me in 1hr I'm trying to get Izzy to sleep. Miss you too girlie!

A few minutes later.


Got it! I'll add you now and call you soon! Bye!

I checked my other emails about boring meetings and stuff. It was 6 pm, Hadley was snuggled up to me I put on friends and smile at her.

"I know you don't want to talk but I love you Hadley, so much, and I'm so glad that your my daughter," I told her and a tear streamed silently from her eye.

My hand rubbed her cheek as her eyes closed.


It was now 7 pm, Harley was watching TV on the couch, and I was in the kitchen preparing dinner for Travis, Hadley and I.

I opened my laptop and got a call from Ryleigh. She was definitely like the little sister I never had.

"Hey Talia! You look busy?" She said as I hear it in the distance.

"Yeah I'm just cooking dinner, but I gotta be honest with you," I said.

"Yeah? What's up Talia?" She said.

"Well, my appearance, it's not really what your gonna be expecting, I'm not really who you think I am," I said.

"Huh? Talia what are you talking about, you are Talia Alexandra Swanson," she said.

"I know this is going to freak you out but," I said dropping my voice back to my normal tone and walking in from of the camera.

"First of all. I'm not 26," I said with a small laugh and Ryleighs face was blank with surprise.

"Woah woah woah... you're telling me I've been working with Taylor Swift??!" She said shocked.

"Yes," I said removing my hat.

"We moved out to California to protect our daughter from her biological father, and I had to work under a Alias to keep us safe," I said.

"Wait woah wait? But you became friends with me? Your a big celebrity! And I'm just a Senior in high school?! That's not odd to you?" She asked.

"Well think I got fans younger than you, I also have people on my team a little bit older than you. You were so nice to me when I first started working there, and when I found out you were a swiftie, it all made sense how could I not be friends with you," i explained.

"You're joking right?" Ryleigh questioned.

"Nope, cause I wouldn't be emailing or calling you would I?" I laugh.

"This is so insane to believe, I'm friends with Taylor Swift?" She says.

"Yes, you are!" I laugh.

"Oh my god that's crazy!" Ryleigh freaks.

"Taylor?!" I heard a cry.

"Hey Rys, let me text you later, my daughter wants me," I said.

"Sounds good! And when you come back to oaks grove come visit me! I mean you don't have to cause your," she said.

"I'll come visit you for sure, I'm not just gonna leave you," I said.

"Bye Tay!" She said.

"Bye Rys! Love you Kid!" I said and we both hung up.

I ran over to the living room.

"What's wrong?" I panicked.

She then pointed to her ankle.

"Oh kiddo, I'll get you some medicine and I'll be right there to sit with you," I said going to the medicine cabinet.

Walking back over to the couch handing Hadley water and the pills and laying down with her.

"It's going to be okay," I said holding her in my lap and then the door unlocked.

"Hey babe," Travis said.

"Hey Trav, dinners almost done then I'm getting this one to bed," I said.

"Sounds good, do you wanna watch a movie tonight?" He asked.

"Yes please," I said and he kissed my forehead.


We ate dinner and I put Hadley to bed. I walked back downstairs and sat on the couch with Travis and sat in his arms.

"Do you ever miss working a side job? Cause I kinda do," I chuckle.

"You know I never thought of it, but it wasn't that bad," he said.

We both laugh and turn on a movie.


NU: 12.5K!!

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