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Taylor's POV ~ A Month Later~

It's now the beginning of October, Travis and I have been together two months, he's stayed over a lot when he's not practicing.  Hadleys birthday is in 2 days (on the 2nd) and we want to have a big party for her. I've been reaching out to friends and family who I haven't seen in over a year.  Travis and I still haven't decided where we're going to live when this is all settled. Hadley is official our foster child, Travis gained legal rights after he went through the paperwork with me.

Hadley was at soccer and my mom, Travis and Selena was over.

"Okay so, we have people staying here, and people staying elsewhere, whose staying where?" My mom asked.

"So Kylie and Jason and the girls are going to be at the house in the guest room upstairs and you, in your room, and Selena you in your room, dad and Austin are in the guest room. Donna and Ed will be in the hotel. But also others coming, Sabrina, Gigi, Bella, Blake and Ryan, Ed, and Harry, Ice and I got Hadleys all time favorite, Katy Perry," I said.

"You managed to get Katy Perry after all your beef?" Selena asked.

"Guys, Katy and I didn't have beef that was rumors! We're 8th cousin anyway," I said.

"8th means nothing," Travis said.

"Oh and Abby is coming, she's in the area!" I mentioned.

"God I missed that girl!" Selena says.

"Right! She is so so excited to meet Hadley," I said and we continued planning.

"Okay gifts, Hadley has been begging me for an iPad so I have that on order," I said.

"She's been wanting another pet... a dog... she mentioned she wanted a dog form of a bestie cause we all know Benji is her favorite," Travis said.

"6 pets? Do you think we can handle that Travis?" I asked him.

"I mean that's up to you, maybe not a puppy but a older dog, atleast 1 or 2 years old," Travis said.

"I'll take a look at the shelter tomorrow, and breed she mentioned?" I asked.

"She's wants a husky really bad," Travis said.

"Oh my gosh, we're going to go crazy, but she's the princess, she gets what she wants," I laugh and we continue planning.

~~ The Night Before

Travis went home tonight and it was just me and Hadley, I was sending her to church with Travis so we could set up for her party. We signed papers earlier at the shelter for Hadleys new puppy, we got a baby husky!

"Cmon, it's time for bed darling," I said to Hadley.

"Coming," she said.

"What we're you doing?" I asked.

"Saying goodnight to the cats," she said crawling into my bed.

"You're just so sweet, I can't believe you're going to be 11 tomorrow, stop growing up on my baby," I said. She snuggled into me and fell asleep.


My dad and Austin were coming over and my mom was here and Selena was coming back with the puppy while were here setting up.

"Oh my gosh she's going to love it," I said admiring the house setting up.

Buzz buzz

"Ooo I'll get it!" I said and ran over and opened the door.

"Dad, Austin," I said with tears in my eyes and hugging them both.

"Teffy, I missed you," Austin said hugging me tightly.

"I missed you, and im sorry I went hey wire, I just needed my alone time," I apologized.

"You needed it, silence darling, you're okay now, and now we're here for your daughters birthday, aren't we?" Dad said and I hugged him again and they came in.

"Rambo down!" I said to the golden doodle who jumped up on Austin.

"Rambo?" My dad questioned.

"So... me and Travis are back together... his step daughter is my foster daughter," I said.

"Oh I didn't know that, I hope things work out for you Tay," my dad says.

"I'm back!" Selena said from the door shutting it behind her.

"Oh my goodness! The puppy!" I said taking the small little husky out of Selena's hands.

"What's the name?" I asked.

"For now it's just nothing, that's for Hadley to decide," Selena said.

I'm on my way back in 30! ~ Trav


Everyone was over and just 5 minutes before Hadley and Travis get here.

"Alright everyone in the corner, but instead of yelling we hold up to signs and let me and Travis handle it, she'll get scared easily," I said and they all nodded.

Hadleys POV

Travis and I got home and parked the car. There were cars in the lot, but I think it's just Nana and Grandpa and Uncle Austin and Auntie Selena. We walked up to the door.

I opened it and I see Taylor, Nana, and all of Taylor's friends in the living room. Holding up birthday signs.

"Happy Birthday my baby girl," Taylor said and I hugged her tightly.

"Happy Birthday Haddie!" Everyone said.

So let me get you in your birthday suit
It's time to bring out the big balloons
So let me get you in your birthday suit
It's time to bring out the big, big, big, big, big, big balloons

I look around to see something unbelievable! KATY PERRY WAS IN MY LIVING ROOM!

"Happy Birthday Hadley!" She says singing "Birthday."


I was greeted by Taylor's friends, and auntie Selena was sitting on the couch with a puppy!

"Auntie you got a puppy?" I asked.

"Actually Hadley, why don't you hold him, and what if he was yours? For good?" She asked I look at Taylor and Travis.

"He's all yours Hannah, now you gotta give him a name!" Travis says.

"I want to name him... hmm... Miles!" I said.

"I like that name!" Taylor said and I heard someone at the door.

"Hey!!!!" I look and see it was my aunt Kylie.

"Auntie Ky!!" I said running to her giving her a hug.

"Oh my sweet baby!" She said.

"Where is the girls?" I asked.

"With my mom, I'll bring them over another time for sure," Auntie said.

"Uncle Jason!" I said hugging him.

"Hey princess!" He said and everyone was almost here!


Y'all don't give me a chance to breath?!
NU: 9.1K!

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