The Innocence Of You

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Taylor's POV

I was upstairs with with Hadley, my mom had left to get groceries and it was just us.

"Alrighty, grab the guitar and you can plug in the mic," I said and she did.

"Wait, what are they going to do about you and my dad? I don't go by Hadley at school," Hadley asked me and we sat there for a moment.

"Can you tell your dad it's a stage name? Or just go by your last undercover?" I suggested.

"So just Manson?" She asked and I nodded.

"I guess that could work," she said.

"Alright, whenever your ready," I said and she took the first strum.

In two homes I reside, love divided deep inside,
A mom's gentle embrace, a dad's distant space,
Feelings tangled in my heart, pulling me apart.

I felt myself get emotional listening to Hadley. She was so young but so intelligent with her words.

She stops mid way and puts the guitar down. She comes over to me and hugs me and sits in my lap.

"I didn't mean to make you cry Tay," she said sweetly.

"Oh sweet girl, it's not a bad cry, you, you just played so beautifully, I just love listening to you,"I said kissing her forehead as I rocked her. 

"Lets go eat dinner," I said and I held her hand as we walked down the stairs.

"Hi girls," My mom said.

"Hi mom," I said.

"Everything alright Taylor?" She asked.

"Everything is just perfect," I say looking into Hadleys eyes and smiling and wrapping my arm around her head kissing her forehead.

"Alright then, let's eat," my mom said and we did.


Dinner was good, my mom went home and it was now 7 pm, we had about 2 1/2 hours before Hadley had to go to bed.

"You still up for a movie sweet girl?" I asked.

"Yes please," she said.

"Okay go upstair and grab the set of PJs of my bed and bring them down here, I'll change too," I said and she nodded and ran upstairs.

"They're matching?" Hadley asked coming downstairs.

"You okay with that? I though it'd be fun," I asked.

"I love it," she said hugging me. Man this is the most affection I've gotten from her in a week. 

We change and we sat on the couch with a blanket.

"Can you just hold me Taylor?" She asked. I'm NOT missing out on this.

"Of course baby, I will always hold you when you ask." I said.

And she climbed in my lap and laid her head on my shoulder and I put the blanket over us and put on Matilda. I feel like that movie is similar to us.


The movie was halfway through. Harley looks up at me.

"Tay, your like my miss honey," she says.

"Why's that crazy girl?" I asked.

"Cause you just met me and you already look out for me and your kinda like a mom to me," she says.

All I can do is smile while a warm tear drips down my face. I just love this girl.

Her eyes close and she's off to sleep.

"Yes, yes I am," I say softly  I take a picture of Hadley and I feel myself fall asleep.

••• Friday Morning

I was up making breakfast for Hadley.

"Morning Tay," she says coming down the stair.

"Hey sleepy head, breakfast is on the counter," I said. 

"So, I know you told Melissa I was with you this weekend but, can I go Friday night if I can come home in advance to the Talent Show?" She asked.

"If that what you want baby, I support you, but if anything comes up and you want to come home I'll send Brian to get you," I said.

"Thank you Tay, I'm out of school at 6, so I will FaceTime you tonight before bed," Hadley said.

"Have a good day my girl," I said.
She turned around and hugged me. Her tiny hands wrapped around my neck.

"Go before I cry and not let you go ever again," I laugh and she lets go and goes out the door. 

"Bye Tay, I love you!" She said.

"Love you more!" I said and began cleaning up the kitchen. 


I cleaned the kitchen and went up to my room.

Missed call from Travis

I went to his contact and called him back.

Hey Trav, sorry I haven't called you, I've been busy with Alyssa ~Tay

It's alright, I figured, I miss my Hannah, but I feel like I've been such a shit dad to her ~ Trav

Why what makes you think that? You're so good with your nieces? ~ Tay

Yeah but they're just babies, Hannah is 10, I'm trying to make up for it, it's just not working ~Trav

I believe you can do it Travis, you're good with kids, well kids that are closer in blood, but I feel that you can rekindle that relationship ~ Tay

Thanks Tay, that means a lot, oh I'm in town this weekend for game, would you want to grab lunch Monday night? ~Trav

I'd love too, Alyssa has soccer till 6, so we can go when she's at school ~Tay

Do our kids know about Us? ~Trav

No not yet, I'm really not ready to tell them either ~Tay

I respect that and I feel the same way, but I'll see you Monday? Let's say 12? ~Trav

Sounds good, I'll see you then ~ Tay

I blow a kiss to the screen and he does it back. Damn I really hope Hadley likes him.


Hi!!! Next update; 7.4K

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