32 :: Cake

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The big day rolled around faster than anticipated, my heart raced at an unsteady pace as I sat in the chair. Roxie had volunteered to do my makeup and Ruby was doing my hair… despite it being a small wedding… I still wanted it to look the best for Grandma… but most importantly Lloyd and I…

   The other girls were also getting ready, Ruby and Roxie had seemed to have gotten ready before everyone else… and Mamá wouldn’t stop telling me that I was throwing away my life. It got to the point, Nya pushed her out. Charging back into the dressing room, swearing profusely in her mother tongue as she went back to the poor makeup artist that was helping her.

   “Gracias, Nya. Aunque estemos en una iglesia.” I reminded her softly, to which she mumbled out an apology. I wasn’t too upset… Mamá’s constant nagging was causing my stomach to curdle.
   After who knows how long, I was finally ready. Looking at myself in the mirror, I smiled…it looked so pretty. I couldn’t wait for everyone to see it, it was the one thing that Mamá had agreed with me on when planning the wedding.

   Grabbing my waterbottle, I took a sip as I watched everyone finish getting ready.

   Grandma’s eyes filled with tears as I gave her a spin. The dress I had picked out was a floor length white dress with soft gold flower and leaf pattern that was around the bottom. It had one sleeve that resembled a kimono sleeve and the otherside was sleeveless. There was a corset-like cloth of gold and light tealish green that acted like a corset and a golden string with tassels wrapped around it with it’s not in the shape of a flower. On the back of the dress, the gold and tealish green cloth continued and was shaped as a sort of trail that gave a flowy look. The dress in my eyes was gorgeous and I didn't care if it was pure white or not.
   And my hair was braided in a lovely way, with white flowers spread throughout it. Ruby had done such a lovely job to make it look pretty and neat. I was so thankful for everyone, I felt like a princess… though I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

   “What do you think Grandma?” I asked softly, folding my hands in front of me as I waited for her response.
   “You look lovely, my dear.”

   After talking with me for a moment, Grandma went to find her seat. I felt a little anxious as one by one, the girls left me. All my bridesmaids went before me and I couldn’t help but fiddle with my hands as I waited for my dad to come get me.

   “How do I look, Daddy?” My tone sounded even meeker then when I asked Grandma, something about his expression made me nervous… though when he kissed my forehead and I saw the tears in his eyes… I couldn’t help but feel all the nerves melt away.
    “You look beautiful, sweetie.”

   Linking my arm with his, he began to lead me outside the room and into the little area before the sanctuary. I felt my stomach turn with nervousness. I took a deep breath before the doors were opened and we began to walk.
   Eyes on me, I swallowed thickly. Smiling the best I could as I looked from one side to the other. The guest list had been fairly small. A total of forty people… and in that moment I couldn’t help but be grateful it was that small.
   Though seeing Lloyd, I couldn’t help but smile as he wore the biggest grin on his face and he was all dressed up in a black and gold Hakama? I couldn’t remember the name of the garment… Although he had it made so its pattern matched my dress, I briefly remember him mentioning something about a golden dragon being on the back of it to represent his family… though I wouldn’t be able to see it until later.

   Tearing my eyes from him, I tried to smile at everyone… until I saw Jasper. Standing near the front in a dark green suit, the look on his face was sadness with a big smile on his face, the rest of my brothers looked excited and confused, Kessler looked like he was crying…
   He was, before anyone could catch him, the little boy ran to me before we reached the altar. Gripping to the skirt of my dress as his little sobs echoed in the hall. Several ran to get him, though I shook my head as I leaned down.
   “Hey buddy, what’s up?” I asked, kneeling down to the five-year-old’s level, wiping his little tears.

Snapshots :: Sweet Treats | Lloyd GarmadonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon