29 :: Tacos

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High above the city of Ninjago, Samurai X soared in her mech suit. To Nya, nothing beat the feeling of patrolling at night, seeing the bright lights of the still bustling city to the teenager... Though one light was always stuck out was the green flash of light of Lloyd's bike when he decided to use his elemental power to boost it.

It had taken her ages to figure out how to properly make the bike able to handle the sheer amount of power generated by Lloyd's elemental power, though it was well worth it.

"Hey Nya, see anything from up there?" Lloyd's voice ran through her comlink.

"Nope, no reports from the commissioner either... dare I say, it may end up being a quiet night."

"That would be nice... you got a test tomorrow, right?"

"...Yeah, I've studied for it so I should be fine."


"..so how is Reagan? You went and saw her yesterday, right?"

There was a noticeable pause before Lloyd answered, "She's... fine, she has some family visiting and lets just say her aunt and cousins are a piece of work. She's stressed and her mother wouldn't let Yuki stay... we were chased out...again."

Nya laughed, she lost track of how many times Lloyd mentioned that he had been chased out by Mrs. Reed. "What, did you kiss Mrs. Reed's daughter in front of her again?" she mocked, already knowing the answer.

"Yep, Rea always says that her mother has a fit each time, she thinks it's funny..." Lloyd chuckled as if thinking about something funny, Nya smiled at the sound. After everyone left, Lloyd had spiraled into a work only mode, though the past few months he seemed to go back to being... himself. "... I just need to work on keeping her safe...and balance my time..."

"It's amazing either of us have any time... your Dad and the Ninja Monks are a big help though."

"They wouldn't have to help if everyone didn't abandon us." Lloyd's tone turned into a low growl as she saw his bike going faster. "I saw Kai the other day, he talked to Reagan and left. Didn't even bother to say hello to me...I'm not angry at you... I am thankful you have stayed by my side...though it still pisses me off that they left us."

Nya let out a soft hum, she was still in contact with Jay and Kai... and Lloyd had talked to Cole early spring... She knew that her brother was ashamed of his actions and didn't know how to face Lloyd and Jay kinda stopped going near Lloyd after he blew up for the second time. Lloyd was terrifying when he was angry, even to Nya, his powers growing stronger by the day to the point she sometimes wondered who would be able to stop him if he went berserk.


"REAGAN! RUBY!" Mamá's scream shocked me out of my sleep, feeling something wrapped around me... I panicked only to find Ruby holding onto me for dear life. The wooden beams of the attic confused me at first, only to remember that Jasper had us come up in the middle of the night.

"THEY'RE UP HERE!" Jasper shouted back, hearing Mamá climb up the ladder as I rose out of bed. Seeing Mouse curled up on my legs as Mamá appeared in the attic hatch. Looking as if she might murder someone.

"¿Qué crees que estás haciendo?" She spat, Jasper rubbing his face as she glared at him then at Ruby and I.

"Mom, I was just giving the dumbasses space. Ruby and Rea can stay up here until those street vermin leave." His voice was rough and crackly from just waking up.

"JASPER CHRISTPHER REED! They are your cousins, not vermin!" Mamá was enraged, Jasper half asleep wasn't exactly a considerate person... and I think even if he was thinking straight... he had called them way worse.

Snapshots :: Sweet Treats | Lloyd GarmadonWhere stories live. Discover now