25 :: Tres Leche

110 8 38

In all my sixteen years of being on this green earth, I had been hit in the head many times, and the amount of times I had been in the hospital, I have long since lost track of. However, never had I felt as I as bad as I did now, finding myself staring up at the off-white ceiling of a hospital room.

The soft beeping of the monitor sounded like drums in my ears as the robotic pattern rose and fell with my heartbeat. Most of the time I can remember why I woke up like this, nauseous and light-headed, throat dry, unable to move my body... though this time was different. Trying to sort through my thoughts... the last thing I remembered was walking into the arcade with my siblings... then just blank.

"You're awake" A raspy voice said softly.

Managing to turn my head, I saw that Lloyd was sitting next to the bed with his head on my lap and his hand holding my hand. Unlike how he looked normally, he seemed as if he hadn't slept nor shaved in days, the bags under his eyes and the scruffy blonde beard that seemed to take over his jawline were strong indicators of both.

"Do you need anything?"

I wanted to ask what was going on... though my throat hurt like hell. Looking around, for something to drink. "...water?" I choked out.

Lloyd immediately hopped up and grab a hospital water mug with a straw from a table and put it up to my lips... the water was terrible...though it helped my dry throat. Finding him once again looking at me with an almost... lost expression. Before I could ask what was going on, he spoke.

"I'll let the nurses ...and your family know you're awake." He sounded relieved as he patted my head, putting the water mug up, before stepped outside. I was highly confused... why was he here? Usually Mamá, Dad or Jasper was in the hospital if I woke up unconscious or needed medical attention...didn't he have Ninja work to do? All my unanswered questions made my head spin...

Before too long, Lloyd returned with a nurse, who proceeded to ask me questions and give me some sort of check up. All while Lloyd stood out of the way with his eyes trained on the nurse, watching her every move to the point the poor women looked extremely uncomfortable. Giving her a bit of an awkward smile was all I could do...

What was going on?

"Just press the button if you need anything." The nurse said before making a swift exit. Running into Mrs. Garmadon on the way out, the ginger frowned as she stood in the door, watching the nurse run off.

"Goodness, dear, she looked as if she had seen an oni." She said to the nurse before glancing at her son and sighed, shaking her head as she entered the room. "On second thought, you have."

"Oh, hey mom." Lloyd barely acknowledged her presence as he sat down next to my bed. Watching him movie. He looked a lot like one of those tigers on the nature shows that was protecting its food or something...

"I'm here to watch Reagan, you can run to your apartment and get a much-needed shower." She told him, setting a briefcase next to the hospital bed and giving me a smile as she ran her hand through her son's shaggy hair. "Hey Reagan, how are you doing?"

"No, she just woke up. I'm not leaving." He almost growled, not letting me answer. Immediately, Mrs. Garmadon's eyes narrowed at him, setting down her bags as she put her hands in her hips.

"Reagan will be fine, you however, haven't showered in a week, maybe longer!"

"Lloyd... it's okay. Listen to your mom." I managed to choke out, earning a wide-eyed glance from Lloyd as his eyes went from dark red to bright green. Like she had said...he actually stank very bad...

(2023) Snapshots :: Sweet Treats | Lloyd GarmadonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora